
第二届软件定义汽车国际峰会将以软件为核心,围绕最新产业发展和标准合规、SOA、电子电气架构、智能座舱、自动驾驶、操作系统、芯片、5G、V2X、云等关键领域和先进技术展开讨论,齐聚比亚迪/蔚来/小鹏/ 长城/ 东风/ 广汽/北京汽车研究总院/奇瑞雄狮/一汽/泛亚/英伟达/地平线/国汽智控/腾讯/安永250+汽车软件行业高层领袖,旨在为参会人员提供一个学习交流和商务合作的专业平台。
A roaring engine, carrying the dreams of technology enthusiasts, is set to reverberate in Shanghai! The highly anticipated Second International Summit on Software-Defined Cars is set to blaze a trail on November 14-15, bringing together over 250 luminaries in the field of automotive software to jointly explore the forefront of digital
transformation and lead the charge into a new era for the automotive industry!
The 2nd International Software Defined Vehicles Summit will focus on software and discuss topics and advanced technologies such as the latest industrial development and standards compliance, SOA, E/EA, intelligent cockpit, ADAS/AD, operating system, chip, 5G, V2X and cloud, Gathered together are over 250 top executives in the automotive software industry from BYD / NIO / XPeng /Great Wall Motor / Dongfeng/ GAC / Beijing Automotive Technology Center / Chery Lion Automotive Technology / FAW / PATAC/NVIDIA / Horizon Robotics / AICC INC/Tencent and EY,aiming to provide participants with a professional platform for learning, communication and business cooperation.
会议时间/ Event Date: 2023年11月14-15日 /Nov 14-15, 2023
会议地址/ Address:上海/Shanghai
主办方/ Organizer:上海佰觅商务咨询有限公司(BIMI-AUTO)
官网/ Website: http://bimi-auto.com/2023SDV/index.html
这场盛宴有何看点 ?
Why Should You Not Miss This?
Gathering of Tech Titans: With 250+ software gurus in attendance, experience the cutting-edge automotive software technology from around the globe, and embark on a journey into the future guided by tech titans.
Exploration of the Unknown: Keynote speeches will unveil the black technology behind software-defined cars, providing in-depth insights into the uncharted territories of the future automotive industry, outlining an unpredictable blueprint for the future.
Intellectual Battles and Sparks: Engage in candid discussions about the future with industry leaders, participate in exclusive forums that spark intellectual fireworks, and let your mind reach new heights through collisions of inspiration.
Preview of the Future World: The innovation showcase area will exhibit the most thrilling automotive software technologies, allowing you to immerse yourself in the marvelous scenes of the future world and experience the awe-inspiring nature of the digital future.
上海油压工作室The Allure of Socializing: The summit is not just a stage for technology; it's a social hall of endless opportunities. Ignite collaborative sparks with elites from around the globe in this social extravaganza!
Who will participate

Who will participate
Participation Benefits
● 采购对接Procurement Matching
上海油压工作室● 一对一商务洽谈 One-on-One business negotiations
上海油压工作室● 产品宣传 Product promotion
● 增加品牌曝光 Increase brand exposure
● 现场云直播 Live streaming online
● 闭门会议 Closed-door meetings
上海油压工作室● 精美茶歇和餐饮 Exquisite coffee breaks and dining
● 会议文本资料 Event Documentation
● 同声传译 Simultaneous Interpreting
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