

时间:2023-05-10 10:36:05 作文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编为大家收集的英文假期作文8篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


英文假期作文 篇1

  My holiday life will be busy but interesting.I am going to do my homework every day so that I can finish my homework on time.I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some books so that I can read some interesting books.I am going to play sports such as playing basketball,table tennis,swimming and so on .Of course I am going to help my parents do some housework because they are busy with their work every day.I am going to spend a week in Shanghai with my parents so that we can see the expo.I am sure I am going to have an interesting and happy summer vacation.

英文假期作文 篇2

  Time flies, blink an eye, another semester has passed, we ushered in our long-awaited winter holiday, ushered in our happiness. Of course, this happiness is not the "happiness" of playing computer and watching TV every day. Instead, it is reasonable to arrange the vacation time and enjoy the pleasure of working together. The following is my winter vacation plan, please comment.

  1. Carefully complete each homework assigned by the teacher. During the vacation, we should start with the three aspects of study, practice and play. Of course, study is still the most important. Therefore, we should carefully complete each homework assigned by the teacher, and play and study twice.

  2. Participate in some social practice activities. After studying, we can't watch TV at home every day. We should go out and participate in some meaningful social practice activities.

  Read helpful books. For about two months of winter vacation, we can't just want to play, but also read some good books to broaden our horizons. Be "sensitive and eager to learn".

  Get out of the house and exercise outside. Holiday life, of course, is not without physical strength. We should make full use of our vacation time to strengthen our resistance and make our bodies healthier.

  5. Preview the contents of the next semester. I hope I can get to know the content of the next semester and preview the next semester, as well as the content I learned in the last semester.

  Holiday life is like a colorful pebble, missing a point of tension color, but also a point of easy joy.

英文假期作文 篇3

上海油压工作室  这个学期我过得很快乐,在不知不觉中寒假就来到了,期末考试成绩还不错,所以我可以过一个开心年了!上学的时候,我总是盼望着放假,因为放假可以看电视、玩电脑、睡懒觉。可是,现在放假了,我又想上学了,因为学校里有很多好朋友,可以跟大家在一起,比看电视、玩电脑开心多了。不管怎么样,这个假期还是来了,我要让这个假期过得充实快乐,于是,就想给自己制定一份计划表。

  This semester I had a very happy time, unwittingly during the winter vacation arrived, the final exam results are still good, so I can have a happy year! When I go to school, I always look forward to the holiday, because the holiday can watch TV, play computer, sleep in. But now that I'm off now, I want to go to school again, because there are many good friends in the school. It can be more fun to stay with you than watching TV or playing computer. Anyway, this holiday is coming. I want to make this holiday full and happy, so I want to make a plan for myself.

上海油压工作室  先来说说我的打算吧!老师布置的作业一定要快速、认真地完成,而且要保质保量,争取开学能评上优秀作业;这个学期我养成了早睡早起的好习惯,不过在假期里我还是想放松一下,充足的睡眠才能有健康的.身体,所以我的第一个打算就是睡懒觉;我喜欢看“今日说法”,可是因为平时功课紧张,我没有机会看,现在放假了,终于可以看看电视、玩玩电脑了,不过是有时间限制的;这个学期看书和写博客坚持得不太好,放假时间充足了,我要用更多的时间去看书,《疯羊血顶儿》、《最动听的童谣》、《假如给我三天光明》、《少年大解救》,想读的书很多,还要把精彩的内容呈现在博客上;暑假里我学会了游泳,在寒假里我想去游泳,所以,我要赶快挣够50颗星,让这个愿望快点儿实现……这么多的想法,一定要有一个详细的计划表才行!

上海油压工作室  Let's talk about my plan first! The teacher assignments must be completed quickly and carefully, but also to the quality and quantity, for the school be able to comment on the excellent work; I develop good habits early hours this semester, but during the holidays I want to relax and sleep in order to have a healthy body, so the first is I'm going to sleep late; I love to watch "Legal Report", but usually because of work stress, I have no chance to see, and now finally have a holiday, you can watch TV, play computer, but there is a time limit; the term read and write a blog on it very well, the holiday time, I want to spend more time to read a book, "Crazy", "most beautiful sheep top rhymes", "if you give me three days light", "young" rescue, a lot of books to read, but also the wonderful content is Now, I learned to swim in summer vacation. I want to go swimming in winter vacation, so I have to earn 50 stars quickly, so that this wish can be realized quickly. So many ideas, we must have a detailed plan.

英文假期作文 篇4

  I've been asked how good my grades are? Every time I don't know how to answer, because the full mark of each exam seems to be natural. The primary school is about to graduate, and I still hold the title of the whole school grade, but I swear I never cared about my score, whether you believe it or not. In order to satisfy your curiosity, I will publish my study plan of this winter vacation:

  First of all, it is my motto: wisdom is because you like to learn, genius is the accumulation of your knowledge.

  My winter vacation study plan is as follows:

  1. Get up at 6:30 in the morning, by the way, I never have a lazy bed, read English and Chinese for at least 30 minutes (reading English, reading English, reading Chinese, and then on Sunday).

上海油压工作室  2. Complete the winter vacation homework for each subject one to three pages each day. Alone, my habit is to do their homework will never get to the Internet to check the answer (not sure can read related books, the accumulation of their knowledge, and then do my homework, otherwise it was useless to do much homework).

  3. Take a proper lunch break at noon (I usually take a nap of about 1 hour) to ensure that I have enough energy to study in the afternoon.

  4. After taking a nap, I can play badminton and go up QQ, etc. But the cumulative time is not more than an hour and a half. Generally it is 30 minutes of exercise, 50 minutes of computer, and also the love 4 (haha, 50+50=50, not very good).

  5, there are two tasks in the afternoon, the first task is to read extracurricular books, up to the astronomy, geography, books can increase knowledge or experience in all things I can't let go, time control in 1 to 2 hours. In all probability, I have seen it.

  The second task is to prepare for each course of the next semester. Before the beginning of the semester, I will study the next semester's work from beginning to end, and the time is 1-2 hours.

上海油压工作室  6, evening free activities and finish the day after finish art school, didn't finish the task, I always is you can do today until tomorrow), but have to look at the news and newspapers (heard about junior middle school will sometimes class exam content, is from the news. As the saying goes: "the scholar does not go out, can know the matter", how to say za is also a small intellectual, xi xi.

  Last but not least, it is necessary to arrange the time reasonably and carry out the plan strictly, otherwise the good plan will be useless.

上海油压工作室  In the upcoming primary school last semester, I will, as always, reasonable arrangement study time, rest, entertainment, put every moment of precious time to (I don't want to idle young, needy old, no one will sympathize with you).

英文假期作文 篇5

  How time flies! In the blink of an eye, we are going to have a winter vacation. I want to design a plan for this winter vacation. I have prepared some meaningful plan plans.

  1. Help my mother do some housework as she can.

  2. Read some good books and read after reading, such as "Robinson Crusoe", "100 thousand why" and "Jane eyre".

上海油压工作室  I write a composition every day to improve my writing ability.

  Watch a few movies with education meaning and then write a few reviews.

上海油压工作室  5. Finish the homework assigned by the teacher, read some extra-curricular books, enrich our reading ability and improve the reading ability.

上海油压工作室  I insist on physical exercise every day, such as; Running, jumping rope and other sports activities.

  These are the study plans I made during the winter vacation. I will do what I plan to do and care for all of me.

英文假期作文 篇6

  My Winter Holiday Plans Well,winter holiday is coming. So what I am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day.And first I am going to finish my homework.In addition,I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days.And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park.That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited.How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?

英文假期作文 篇7


上海油压工作室  This summer vacation I have a lot of plans, because the final exam did not do well, to put up the results, can not drag the class back legs.


上海油压工作室  First of all, I first from the weakest hand, my weakest link is the language. The teacher recommended five books to me: "grass house", "Romance of Three Kingdoms", "journey to the west", "dream of Red Mansions" and "Water Margin" (original works). I believe I can see it in summer vacation and grade five. I also have to write a composition every week. With such a request, my Chinese performance is sure to be the top two or three in the class!

上海油压工作室  数学虽然是我的强项,还拿过全国金奖,可也是我的薄弱环节。妈妈规定,一定要平均每天做八道题,没做的就补。但遇到太难的做两到四道就罢了。我妈还要我在外面学奥数,再提高一些。

上海油压工作室  Although mathematics is my strength, it has also won the national gold medal, but it is also my weak link. Mother stipulates, must make an average of eight questions every day, do not make up. But it's too hard to do two or four. My mother wants me to learn the numbers outside and improve it.

上海油压工作室  最后是要锻炼身体,每一个星期一、二、四、五都得学羽毛球,去年暑假我有很大进步,我相信今年一定有更大的进步!下一个暑假,我要报名去其他地方打比赛,争取拿到前十五名!

  Finally, we need to exercise. We learn badminton every Monday, two and four or five. I made great progress in last summer vacation. I believe there will be greater progress this year. Next summer vacation, I want to sign up for other places to play, to get the top fifteen!


  This is the arrangement for my summer vacation, how is it, right?

英文假期作文 篇8

上海油压工作室  In the New Year, step towards us. The happy winter holiday is about to begin, so how can we make this winter vacation full and meaningful? I thought hard for a day and finally figured out how to spend the winter vacation.

上海油压工作室  Read some books and make some reading notes; Do some homework every day. Look at the news and learn about national events and social news. Exercise every day and exercise your body. Go to the library, science and technology museum, xinhua bookstore and other places, get some learning opportunities, broaden their vision; Do something for mom and dad...

  Reading a book. I went to the bookstore early in order to be able to read some useful books. There are all kinds of books in the bookshop. I choose some books that I like to read and fill the bookcases in my home. So I'm not afraid of reading books. I went to the stationery store and bought a thick, beautiful notebook. In the winter holiday, I must write it full.

  Movement. Exercise is a healthy source of cardiopulmonary function; It can help prevent osteoporosis; We can mitigate and control our emotions... Exercise three hours a day and exercise your body. Jumping rope, kicking shuttlecock, sprinting, long-distance running... Do a daily exercise to make your body healthier.

  Help mom and dad do what they can. Help mother to wash dishes, sweep the floor, when the mother feels tired, make a cup of tea for her mother, let mother take a break, instead of mother to do a while. Dad was tired from work during the day. He went home and beat his father and beat him.


上海油压工作室  This is my winter vacation plan, isn't it?










