

时间:2023-04-27 09:45:38 作文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编为大家收集的英文假期作文10篇,希望能够帮助到大家。


英文假期作文 篇1

上海油压工作室  Winter holiday life is like a colorful pebble, less tense atmosphere, more relaxed and happy.

上海油压工作室  During the winter vacation, I was swimming in the vast sea of books. Books, like a wise old man, enlighten me and teach me. The book, again like a loyal friend, accompanied me, and I face to face communication. I like to download books online, where e-books can be read online or downloaded to a computer hard drive, which is very convenient to read. The ancients said, "has its own gold room" in the book, the other words are not false, winter vacation, I read on the computer "if give me three days light", Pinocchio and idiom story, I was not afraid of difficulties, they indomitable spirit deeply moved.

上海油压工作室  After reading, I had a good time. My friends and I sometimes play badminton, sometimes go swimming, skating, the most happy to count jump rope. When it was my turn to jump, I took a deep breath, grasped the handle, and when the crowd shouted "start," I swung my arms and jumped. The little friends are Shouting: "come on, tingting; Come on, tingting... "I jumped faster at the sound of my friends' cheering. Our happy laughter resounded in the air.

  Whenever I see my mother washing and scrubbing, I come to help with the housework. I was like a busy bee, coming and going, mopping the floor and wiping the table. After a while, I was tired and sore, and sat on the chair and gasped. "Our daughter is really grown up and will help us to share the work. That's great!" I listened, suddenly forgot tired, heart sweet.

  Ah, this winter holiday is really meaningful!

英文假期作文 篇2

上海油压工作室  Summer vacation is very long, so I want to make a plan that belongs to my summer vacation.

上海油压工作室  My plan is to get up at 8 o'clock every day from Monday to Friday, write two hours' homework, play thirty minutes, watch thirty minutes of TV, and take a nap at noon. Saturday morning to Sunday morning to write an hour of homework, and then watch a little TV, the afternoon to my mother to give me an extracurricular class.

上海油压工作室  By the time of July, Dad came back from the field and went to dinner with his college friends. So, three of us are going to travel to Beijing in the capital for a week. So, I've been looking forward to my dad coming back so I can take me to Beijing.

  By the time of August, my mother was going to give me some extracurricular classes. So, I have to go to the class class every day, so I have to finish my summer homework quickly.

上海油压工作室  This is my summer vacation plan, under the supervision of my mother and the implementation of my own, I will be able to spend the summer vacation rich and wonderful. Little friend, what's your plan for the summer vacation?

英文假期作文 篇3

  Winter holiday is coming. I’m going to have a busy holiday. First, I’m going to finish my homework. Then, I’m going to visit my grandparents.

上海油压工作室  My grandmother is sixty-six years old. So I’m going to buy some gifts for my grandma.

上海油压工作室  I’m going to visit my relatives in order to send them my best wishes. I’ m going to read some books in the holiday. I really want to learn more from books.

上海油压工作室  I’m going to have a funny holiday.

上海油压工作室  寒假就要到了。我将要过一个繁忙的假期。首先,我打算先完成我的寒假作业。然后,我打算去看看我的祖父母。我祖母有66岁了,所以我打算买些礼物给她。我还打算去拜访其他的亲戚们,并送上我的`祝福。我还打算在假期里多读书,因为我想从书中获得更多的知识。


英文假期作文 篇4


  It's a holiday, and I've set myself a plan for the summer vacation.


  First of all, I plan to use twenty days to make up classes, because the final performance has dropped a lot, my average score is above 90 points before, and this time dropped to 80 points, which is really very guilty. I don't know how to explain it to my mom and dad. However, there is the chance to make amends, good makeup, start again. I believe that as long as I arrogance, my grades up soon.

上海油压工作室  既然放大假,当然得走出去了。我打算和二姨、二姨夫去他们老家安康看看,那里还有我日思夜想的小姨。不过,我的弟弟还在我们老家,他可是我们的开心果,我不想旅途中缺了他。再说,一家人和和美美相邀旅行,是多么美妙的事啊!所以,补完课我就回老家接弟弟。

上海油压工作室  Of course, we have to go out. I'm going to aunt and two, two uncle to look at their home in good health, there is little aunt in my mind. But my brother is still in our home. He's our pistachio. I don't want him on the journey. Besides, the United States and the United States to invite one family travel, what a wonderful thing it is! So, to make up the class I went back home with my brother.

上海油压工作室  最让我期待的就是我的生日了,而且很幸运的是我的生日就在假期里。我打算和妈妈商量商量,让她给我办一个小型的生日聚会,到时候,我会把我的爷爷奶奶、外公外婆都请来,让老人们和我同乐。当然,我的生日聚会肯定少不了我的好朋友们,我会把我的生日蛋糕分给他们一起吃,让他们和我一起分享我的幸福和快乐。总之,我希望我的'这个生日完美而难忘。

  What I'm looking forward to is my birthday, and luckily my birthday is on vacation. I am going to discuss with mom and ask her to give me a small birthday party. When that time, I will invite my grandparents, grandparents to make the old people enjoy with me. Of course, my birthday party is sure to happen. My good friends, I will share them with my birthday cake, so that they can share my happiness and happiness with me. In a word, I hope my birthday is perfect and unforgettable.


上海油压工作室  Finally, I will give myself a few days to sort out my mood, make a long-term plan for my next semester's study, and greet the coming of the new semester with a brand new look. The teacher always tells us that one failure is not a terrible thing. The terrible thing is not to learn from the failure. I must keep in mind this failure and let myself do not have the next time.


  This is my plan for the summer vacation, students, have you made a plan for yourself? If you do not, then move quickly, set yourself a perfect plan to make your holiday life back to the taste.

英文假期作文 篇5


  In an instant, the fifth grade have passed. Everything that happened in grade five was just like it happened yesterday. It's going to rise in grade six right away, and there's a long - looking summer vacation. Let's plan this summer vacation together.


  The first of all, of course, is to do the homework. This summer homework is based on the results of the final period. The results were well tested and the assignments were less; the results were not well tested and the homework was taken for granted. I can do it this time, so I don't do much homework.


上海油压工作室  Get up every morning, do homework after breakfast, ten math papers, a "happy summer vacation", copy 30 English texts and write an English composition. Oh, lucky! This time I finally can not write posts, one to the fourth grade I copybook necessary job, this should not. If you do not finish the homework in the morning, then do it in the afternoon, until the task is finished today, otherwise it will not be played today. But I usually finish it in the morning.

上海油压工作室  下午和晚上就是我“狂欢”的时间了。下午玩电脑,看视频,一般是1点多到5:30多。晚上呢,就是7点多就出发骑单车,不到9点一般回不来。

  Afternoon and evening are my "Carnival" time. In the afternoon, playing computer and watching video are usually more than 1 to 5:30. At night, it is more than 7 points to start a bike ride, not 9 points can not come back.

上海油压工作室  写作文是我最害怕的事,所以我把写作文的时间定在了周六周日写一篇,两个月的时间一定写得完。

  Writing is my most fearful thing, so I set the time to write a composition on Saturday and Sunday to write one, two months must be finished.

上海油压工作室  妈妈说要等我全部作业写完之后才可以带我出去玩(除了作文)。唉,我的作业什么时候才能写完啊!看来,我只能多做作业,少玩游戏了。

  Mother said I could take me out after I had finished all my homework (except for the composition). Well, when can I finish my homework! It seems that I can only do more homework and play less games.

英文假期作文 篇6

上海油压工作室  on Saturday, our whole family went to the hometown to ancestral tombs.

上海油压工作室  The ancestral graves on the hillside, I picked up the broom, sweep around the ancestral graves leaves such as garbage. Then pick up the dishcloth, with clear water, carefully wipe the tombstone. After a vigorous after wiping, ancestral grave ancestral grave as new spotless, if brightness is new. Before long, ancestral graves were we sweep, after we worship, and went home for lunch.

  After eating a delicious lunch, I lay in bed, thinking in the heart: tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship is a festival, is we should all do, grave we praise, want to come but can't come to also want to give praise. But it never occurred to grave should be criticized and condemned! You ever think, ancestors of the credit have how old? Ancestors left the land for us, let us to build, a land... You ever think, if there are no ancestors, we, the ancestors of the credit is not ah! But now some people are at the qingming festival, the idea of no grave, the ancestors leave, has died, let weeds overgrown tomb. Such people should not be condemned by the people?

  Is a tomb-sweeping day, this is the eternal I couldn't help thinking of tu mu: "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go......"

英文假期作文 篇7

  My Winter Holiday Plans Well,winter holiday is coming. So what I am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day.And first I am going to finish my homework.In addition,I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days.And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park.That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited.How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?

英文假期作文 篇8

  Now it's summer, and it's going to rise in grade six again. In order to have no barriers to study in grade six, I specially formulated a plan for the summer vacation. The plan is as follows:

  First, Chinese. My composition level is not very good, mainly because my mentality is not open, the accumulation of small, so in the summer vacation every day 2 hours out of reading masterpiece, summarize their experience and experience to write a few article about. 30 compositions are published on the request of the teacher. My writing has problems such as careless and illegible writing. In summer vacation, whether I am writing a composition or doing other homework, I will pay more attention to writing the words bigger and more neat, and strive to not lose the score in the future exams.

上海油压工作室  Second, mathematics. My math scores have always been the best in my class. The biggest problem is that I often have some small problems. To this end, I intend to do some math problems, and try to do some Olympiad questions, and strive for every math problem to be done quickly and accurately.

  Third, English. My English reading and writing level can be, but there are some gaps in the hearing, the summer vacation in Cambridge to learn English at the same time, listen to some English tapes, do some listening exercises every morning, took out half an hour listening to English tapes in Cambridge, listening for a raise.

  Fourth, extracurricular interest. I'm very talented in fine arts and I love fine arts. This summer vacation, I also participated in the art class training to consolidate the improvement of the level of water powder painting. I also have a special interest in computers. I strive to win the consent of my parents. I can do some small works online and play some games after completing the learning tasks according to plan everyday.

  Fifth, life. Before, every day I have to hand clothing, eat a ready-cooked meal day, in addition to learning what is not dry, from the beginning of this summer, I decided to help my mother do some housework, exercise their self-care ability. For example, take the time to help the mother brush the bowl, wash clothes, clean the health and so on.

  In the summer vacation, I want to strictly ask myself, all the time to be an excellent young pioneer, with a new face to meet the start of the new term.

英文假期作文 篇9

上海油压工作室  Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day".

上海油压工作室  But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food.

上海油压工作室  One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.

  With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.

英文假期作文 篇10

  Time flies, blink an eye, another semester has passed, we ushered in our long-awaited winter holiday, ushered in our happiness. Of course, this happiness is not the "happiness" of playing computer and watching TV every day. Instead, it is reasonable to arrange the vacation time and enjoy the pleasure of working together. The following is my winter vacation plan, please comment.

  1. Carefully complete each homework assigned by the teacher. During the vacation, we should start with the three aspects of study, practice and play. Of course, study is still the most important. Therefore, we should carefully complete each homework assigned by the teacher, and play and study twice.

上海油压工作室  2. Participate in some social practice activities. After studying, we can't watch TV at home every day. We should go out and participate in some meaningful social practice activities.

  Read helpful books. For about two months of winter vacation, we can't just want to play, but also read some good books to broaden our horizons. Be "sensitive and eager to learn".

  Get out of the house and exercise outside. Holiday life, of course, is not without physical strength. We should make full use of our vacation time to strengthen our resistance and make our bodies healthier.

上海油压工作室  5. Preview the contents of the next semester. I hope I can get to know the content of the next semester and preview the next semester, as well as the content I learned in the last semester.

  Holiday life is like a colorful pebble, missing a point of tension color, but also a point of easy joy.










