

时间:2019-11-18 12:22:36 优美散文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  导语:每一天起码做一件实事,哪怕微不足道,你的这一天就会过得踏实而无憾。以下小编为大家介绍励志优美的英语散文文章,欢迎大家阅读参考!






上海油压工作室  回家的路上,你想到了人生。当你把自己的生命比作计算机的内存时,心情就倏然多了几分沉重。你望了望满天的星,然后就是一无声的微叹,内心自问:学习求知、奔波求职、工作挣钱不就是极力把程序调入内存吗?内存是随机存储器,开机即有断电即无,不会永久。人也不过如此,病了,老了,死了,所有调入的知识、财富也就如烟而去了。所以你想到了存盘,一定要向计算机教科书上讲的那样,把内存中形成的成果随时存盘才好。于是你快步回到你那钟爱的计算机前,按下了开机的健。


上海油压工作室  天有云雨雪风,但阴霾不会总你的头顶。人有六欲七情,至美的当然是爱情。然而万物绝无恒久不变。海枯石烂,地久天长那只是人们的憧憬,随了岁月的流逝爱情会渐渐质变为关爱和亲情。真的,不要抱太大的幻想,否则会消蚀美丽的人生。尽管爱情是短暂的,但也是美丽的,所以你仍需追索、固守应属于你的那份爱情,获取一份刻骨铭心的爱,实在是对人生空白的填充,宝贵的生命会因此而完整。如果有一天,你或你的她(他)不爱了,就挥挥衣袖,留下你灿然抑或凄然的笑意,继续你生命的旅程,毕竟人生是美丽的人生。

上海油压工作室  如果哪一天早晨或夜晚,你,当然也包括我,忘记了呼吸,那就把这事看成心爱的电脑彻底崩溃好了,我们美好的记忆都在光盘上备份着。又何惧、何憾之有?世间的寰宇也曾闪耀过你这颗璀璨的流星。

上海油压工作室  The sky blinking the eyes of the night, behind the lake on a moonless night run down. You stand the long beach stretches far into the hazy, you lean on the wall of the posture, has turned into a romantic poem. You look at the past look that coagulation in the vanity of the town from the diffusion tree gap, smart thoughts make you think of the town is the home page of a web site, that every shining Xu is a precise link you want to click.

  No matter you comb your hair out of the night, walked your springy steps, walk down the causeway into this bustling page. Open a new window in front of you, you enjoy browsing, determines the speed of your stride. In your consciousness in the search box, fill in your keywords have been hard to find, enter the result you Cu Cu eyebrow, just because you want to find is the mood. Go to the cafe, no, no friend's companion is always a little unnatural or unnatural. Youthful fashion, you walk like this in neon lights. I don't know which store's pop songs are humming up. It concealed all worries and showed a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere.

上海油压工作室  On the way home, you think of life. When you put your life to the memory of the computer, the mood is suddenly a bit more heavy. You look at the stars all over the sky, and then there is a silent sigh. The heart asks, "is learning knowledge, rushing to apply for jobs, and making money by working hard?" is not just trying to tune the program into memory? Ram is ram, boot is power off, no, no permanent. People are just so sick, sick, old, dead, and all the knowledge and wealth that has been transferred is like a smoke. So you think of the deposit, it must be told in the computer textbook, to save the results in memory at any time to save. So you quickly go back to your beloved computer and press the boot.

上海油压工作室  You start writing the first line of the poem, this is the real creation, not your momentary emotion; you start an advertising or design is what an individual, this is not your usual self play image processing; perhaps you are very fast and very creative to complete a courseware, you may easily make a lively Flash. You don't think your work is naive. It's really good. Save it. Don't it easily. This is the starting point of your success, the flash of your young life, and you and your mother or friend will be happy for it. You will have DV or DC, and take advantage of your youth to quickly solidify your sunshine, your beauty, your natural and unrestrained, your confidence and your love for life on the disk. No, it's better to burn the disc on the laser. In the process of creating and copying, you are inadvertently replicating your passion for life.

上海油压工作室  Day rain snow wind, but the haze not always your head. People have emotions seven emotions, to the United States is of course love. But nothing remains constant. Forever, forever just people's vision, with the passage of time will gradually change for the love of love and affection. Really, don't hold too much fantasy, otherwise it will lose beautiful life. Though love is transient, it is beautiful, so you still need to recourse and stick to the love that should belong to you. Getting a love that is engraved on your mind is really filling the blank of life, and precious life will be complete. If one day, you or her (him) do not love, just waved sleeves, leaving you sad or brilliant smile, to continue your journey of life, after all, life is beautiful life.

  If one morning or night, you, of course, including me, forget to breathe, think of it as a beloved computer crash, and our good memories are on the disc. Why worry, he's a regret in the world? The world has you shine this bright meteor.



上海油压工作室  大约善于生活,热爱生活的人,总会在等待中默默迎接和收获美丽的。




上海油压工作室  等待,不但是一种坚持,更是一种美丽。我们在漫长的等待中,迎来了春日,看到了姹紫嫣红的世界;在漫长的等待和耕耘中,默享了累累硕果的甜美;我们在站台,在机场分分秒秒的等待中,终于与久别的亲人重逢了。我们在漫长的等待中,便听到了一个个新生命的啼哭......生命中任何一个辉煌的顶点,无一不是在艰辛的付出和等待中获得的,在等待中成就了人生一个又一个的辉煌。



  The people who are good at life and love life will always be waiting and reap beautiful in the waiting.

  There is such a let people words of inspiration in the text: South America at an altitude of 4000 meters, sparsely populated areas, the growth of a plant called flowers, flowering only two months. When the flowers bloom, it is so beautiful to the extreme, and the blight is so sad and beautiful. However, in order to spend two months this season, it always stands quietly in the Highlands, to collect the sun's fragrance with leaves, with a draw has given the fattened, dedication to create their own flowers, so quietly waiting for 100 years! Only to wait a hundred years with one hundred years of flowers to get tired climbers when they brighten, just to prove that life is waiting in the so beautiful.

  Spent waiting for a conviction, is a kind of pursuit, it is enough to save the color of a hundred years, the expectations of a century after the strong, solemn gesture simply its blooming color.

  The beauty of waiting is different. A young writer who want to live in France, he went to the airport to bid farewell to ask reluctant to part his beloved when the passionate lover, when you tie the knot back to hometown, lover said: "when the kapok, your heart will bloom for you." although the long flowering period, however, when the time of the year kapok, he look into the distance at the junction, look forward to the early arrival of sweetheart. Three years, five years, the annual day of year. At last, in the days of the flowering of the kapok in a season, the lover of the day and night was ushered in, and both went into the cave house.

  Waiting, not only a kind of persistence, but also a kind of beauty. We have to wait long, ushered in the spring, to see the world in the brilliant purples and reds; long wait and work in silence to enjoy the rich fruits of the sweet; our site, minute by minute wait at the airport, and finally a reunion of family members. During the long wait, we heard the cry of new life. No matter how brilliant the life is, no matter it is hard to get and wait for it, it has made one brilliant achievement in life.

  In fact, the process of life is a process of waiting. To reach the other side, to reach the summit to enjoy the beautiful scenery there, the total should have patience and indifferent state of mind can be the result. Only in silence waiting for accidentaly across beautiful people will be exciting, more beautiful.

  I think: only learn to pay, learn to wait, and learn to cultivate and harvest the beauty of life.








