

时间:2021-02-23 10:17:18 英语美文 我要投稿




  Onions can spice up your meals -- and maybe strengthen your bones, preliminary study findings suggest.

上海油压工作室  据路透社4月7日报道,瑞士伯尔尼大学的研究人员发现,实验室的老鼠在吃完添加了少量洋葱的食物后,较之以前明显不易发生骨质流失了。这项研究的发起人鲁道夫·布伦艾森博士说,研究结果显示,在食物中添加洋葱或许会帮助人们避免骨质疏松症的发生。他还说,人们每天应该食用至少400克(或者14盎司)的洋葱,这样才和实验中给老鼠喂食的洋葱量相当。


  为了探明究竟是洋葱中的什么成分在起作用,研究人员用洋葱榨取物中的不同成分和骨细胞混和。结果发现,一种被称为gamma glutamyl peptide的成分在抑止骨吸收上效果最为明显,研究者认为这就是为什么洋葱洋葱可抑止骨流失,对骨骼有好处的原因。

上海油压工作室  布伦艾森博士和他的同事以前曾向人们指出,其它的一些蔬菜和水果在实验中也可以抑止老鼠的骨流失现象。另外,乳制品也对人的骨骼大有好处。

  Onions can spice up your meals -- and maybe strengthen your bones, preliminary study findings suggest.

  Investigators from the University of Bern in Switzerland found that after eating a small fraction of an ounce of onion with their food, rats became significantly less likely to lose bone.

上海油压工作室  These findings suggest that adding onion to food may help people fight off the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, study author Dr. Rudolf Brenneisen told Reuters Health.

  He added that people would need to eat at least 400 grams - or 14 ounces - of onions each day to equal the amount rats ate during the study.

  Brenneisen noted that this is not the first study to show that what you add to your food can add to the health of your bones. For instance, he and his colleagues have shown that other vegetables and fruits may also inhibit bone loss in rats.

  The researcher added that people using diet to strengthen their bones should make sure to include dairy products, since those foods can also strengthen bones.

  To look further into whether onion helps keep bones strong and healthy, Brenneisen and his colleagues fed rats 1 gram of onion, then tested them to see how their bones were faring.

  The findings, which appear in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, show that after eating onions, the rats underwent significantly less bone resorption, the loss of minerals from the bones that characterizes osteoporosis. "Onion added to the food of rats inhibited significantly bone resorption," according to Brenneisen.

  To investigate what in onions was helping bones, the researchers mixed different components of an onion extract with bone cells.

  One onion ingredient --called gamma glutamyl peptide -- appeared to be most effective at inhibiting bone resorption, suggesting it is responsible for onion"s bone-boosting effects, the authors note.









