

时间:2021-02-01 11:32:26 英语美文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  美文,不禁浮现出一个美丽的情境,赋予优美的语境和丰富的情感;美文,不禁联想到一种美幻的意境,充满情感的体验和丰富的表达。学生通过大量的经典美文阅读能够开阔自己的视野,通过经典的美文阅读可以增加文化积淀和思想内涵,通过经典美文导读可以陶冶情操,提高素养下面阳光网小编精心收集了经典英语美文赏析,供大家欣赏学习!



上海油压工作室  An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer (contractor) of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by.

上海油压工作室  一位老木匠打算退休了。他向自己所在的建筑公司雇主请辞,表示想要和自己的老伴以及大家庭去过一种更加闲适的生活。他会想念领薪水的日子,但他还是该退休了,他想日子总是能过下去的。

  The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and usedinferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.


  When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you."

上海油压工作室  木匠完成了他的工作,负责人来验收房屋,老板将这座房屋的前门钥匙递到了木匠手上,说:“这房子现在归你了,作为我给你的礼物。”

  What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well.

上海油压工作室  木匠顿时感到很震惊。多可惜啊!如果他知道是在为自己修建这所房子的话,他会完全以另一种态度来对待。而现在他不得不住在这座自己胡乱修建的房子里了。

  So it is with us. We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized, we would have done it differently.


上海油压工作室  Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you will ever build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day deserves to be lived graciously and withdignity. The plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project."

上海油压工作室  谁还能说的再清楚些呢?你今天的生活就是你自己过去的态度和选择的结果,你未来的生活就是你现在的态度和选择的结果。

  Who could say it more clearly? Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.


  Depression is like a plague that hits every one of us at some point in life. Everyone copes with it in their own way, but oftentimes it's hard to understand what exactly you feel and why you feel like that. Feeling depressed for a few minutes and hours is a healthy reaction to a hard situation or event. However, when you let this feeling stay with you for longer, you risk losing yourself and ruining your life. Even though you probably need to see your doctor, these depression quotes may help you understand your true and deep feelings to know how to get rid of this plague.


上海油压工作室  1. Mood swings

  1. 情绪波动

  “I'll never forget how the depression and loneliness felt good and bad at the same time. Still does.” It's Henry Rollins' quote that often relates to me. One minute I feel the happiest person in the world and the next minute I feel awfully sad. I feel happy because I'm alone, but feel depressed because I'm lonely. It's actually confused feeling.

上海油压工作室  “我永远不会忘记抑郁和孤独是如何使我同时感觉又好又坏的,现在依然如此。”这是亨利罗林斯的话,我常有这种感受,前一分钟还感觉自己是世界上最幸福的人,下一分钟就特别伤心。我快乐是因为我独自一人,但抑郁是因为我感觉孤独,这感觉真令人迷惑。

上海油压工作室  2. Daytime nightmare

上海油压工作室  2. 白天是恶梦

  “I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.” – Ned Vizzini

上海油压工作室  “我不想醒来,睡觉时更开心。多悲哀呀,就像恶梦颠倒了。正如你从恶梦中醒来时感觉很轻松一样,我醒来反而是恶梦的开始。”——内德威兹尼。

  If you are prone to depression, this feeling probably sounds familiar to you. Depressed and sad people have a tendency to sleep in but it's not the solution. Exercise is a better option.


  3. Serious disease

  3. 重病

  Chronic depression isn't just bad feeling. It's a sign that you need a professional help. If you see someone feeling depressed all the time, don't ignore them. It's crucial that people start treating depression as a serious disease and consult doctor when they can't find the way out.

上海油压工作室  Barbara Kingsolver said it better than me, “There is no point treating a depressed person as though she were just feeling sad, saying, ‘There now, hang on, you'll get over it.’ Sadness is more or less like a head cold- with patience, it passes. Depression is like cancer.”

上海油压工作室  长期抑郁不仅仅是感觉不好,这表明你需要专业的帮助。如果你看见某个人总是很郁闷,不要不当回事。人们要开始把抑郁当成重病来对待,这很重要,自己解决不了时要咨询医生。

上海油压工作室  4. A cage without a key


  As Elizabeth Wurtzel profoundly said, “That's the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it's impossible to ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key.” The only thing I can add is to stay strong and don't feel ashamed to seek help… Like she said we are strong enough to survive anything, depression is no exception.

上海油压工作室  4. 没有钥匙的牢笼

  5. There’s always hope

上海油压工作室  伊丽莎白沃泽尔意味深长地说道:“抑郁就是这样的:一个人能捱过任何事,只要她能见到曙光。但抑郁很狡猾,它每天都在加剧,根本看不到尽头。这团迷雾就像是没有钥匙的牢笼。”我唯一需要补充的是要坚强,不要羞于向别人求助……如她所说,我们很坚强能捱过任何事,抑郁也不例外。

  Unfortunately, most depressed people refuse to ask for help. Whether they don't recognize their problem or they wish to get rid of it, they believe telling someone about their feelings is a shame. It's not, actually. Many celebrities and ordinary people consult doctors when they feel depressed and they don't feel ashamed. It's life.

  5. 总会有希望

上海油压工作室  Hopefully, Howie Mandel's quote will inspire you to ask for help: “There isn't anybody out there who doesn't have a mental health issue, whether it's depression, anxiety, or how to cope with relationships. Having OCD is not an embarrassment anymore – for me. Just know that there is help and your life could be better if you go out and seek the help.”


  Depression is a harsh feeling. When you recognize all the symptoms and ask for help at once, though, you can feel better in a matter of a week. Love yourself. Don't let anyone hurt you. Surround yourself with positive people. Do what makes you happy. And nourish your positive attitude on a daily basis. These are tiny pieces of advice I can give you.

上海油压工作室  所幸,霍伊曼德尔的话能鼓励你去求助:“没有什么人没有精神方面的问题,无论遇到的是抑郁、焦虑或是如何处理人际关系的问题,对我而言,有强迫症也不再是尴尬的事,你只需知道如果你去求助,就有人会帮你,你的生活也会变得更好。”



上海油压工作室  Life is an ever-evolving tapestry of lessons, growth and expansion and when you are truly tuned into the messages along the way, you find your life transforms in ways you never thought possible. The following Universal Truths are just that, truths that have the ability to change your life for the better regardless of where you are, where you've been, or what challenges you are facing. So read, embrace, and allow them to transform your life in beautiful ways.

上海油压工作室  人生就是一系列各种各样不断变化的学习、成长和发展,当你仔细聆听人生路上的信息时,你会发现人生会朝意想不到的方向发展。下面这些普世真理就是这样,不管你身在何处、到过何地,不管你面对着什么挑战,这些真理都能够改善你的人生。所以阅读它们并欣然接受它们,让它们把你的人生变得更美好吧。

上海油压工作室  1. Following your heart IS your life purpose. Finding your life purpose can often feel like trying to locate the Holy Grail, but the truth is it's not as hard as you think. Simply put, following your heart and doing what you love is your life purpose and when you live in that way, life just keeps getting better and better. Follow your heart, do what you love, and I promise life will grow, evolve, and become more incredible than you ever thought possible.

  1. 追随内心就是你的人生目标。寻找人生目标经常就像寻找圣杯在哪里一样麻烦,但事实上这没有你想象的那么难。追随内心、做自己喜欢的事就是你的人生目标。当你用这种方式生活时,你的人生就会变得越来越美好。追随你的内心,做自己喜欢的事,我保证你的人生会成长、进化,变得更加妙不可言,超乎你的想象。

  2. (Inspired) Action is everything. As logical thinkers and problem solvers, we've been taught that the best way to achieve our desires is to set a goal, create a plan and take massive action. In my experience that is certainly one way to do it, but it's not the best way. The best way is to listen to your heart, be open to the possibilities, and take action on the inspired ideas that you are given each and every day. You'll find when you do that, you will reach your goals faster than ever before.

  2. 有想法的行动就是一切。我们懂得逻辑思考,懂得如何解决问题。我们学过,要获得自己想要的东西,最好的方法是设立一个目标、制定一个计划,然后积极地行动起来。在我的经验里,这确实是个方法,但不是最好的方法。最好的方法是听从自己的内心,迎接各种可能性,每天一有想法就马上行动。当你这么做的时候,你会发现你会比过去更快达到自己的目标。

  3. Letting go is the answer. Too often we spend our time keeping score of what isn't working, what's not manifesting, and what's just going wrong in our lives and that only keeps us stuck. When you let go of the outcome, the struggle, and the constant worry about when, how, or if your desires will manifest and trust the process, you make room for the magic of the Universe to bring in your every desire. As Queen Elsa said "Let it go!"

上海油压工作室  3. 放手就是答案。我们总是花太很多时间去在意那些没有意义、鸡毛蒜皮的事和那些在我们生活中完全出错、让我们痛苦不堪的事。当你不再在意结果,不再挣扎,不再日夜担忧你的愿望什么时候会实现、怎样实现、是否会实现,相信过程,你就腾出了空间,宇宙的魔法就能把你想要的都带来。就像爱莎女王说的那样:“随它吧!”

  4. Your heart knows more than your head so listen to it. We often have a tendency to overthink life and end up making it more difficult than it needs to be. Living from your head as opposed to your heart, invites fear, logic, and endless analysis to stop you from doing things that will radically transform your life. Tune into your heart and let it be your guide, I promise you won't be sorry you did.

  4. 你的心比你的头脑知道得更多,所以照着内心说的做吧。我们经常会什么事都想太多,最终把人生变得更加复杂,其实人生本不该复杂。与跟从内心相反,听从大脑而活,是让恐惧、逻辑和无尽的分析来阻止自己去做颠覆生活的事。还是聆听你的内心吧,让它成为你的向导,我保证你不会后悔。

  5. Fear is a f---ing liar. The number one thing that stops most people from living a life of fulfillment and joy is fear. Fear of failure, success and fear of the unknown, but the truth is fear is a f---ing liar. It's designed to keep you safe when in reality it just keeps you playing small. Don't let fear be the reason you don't take the leap forward and create a life you love. Feel the fear, make friends with it, and move forward anyway.

  5. 恐惧他X的就是个骗子。阻碍大部分人过上快乐美满生活的头号杀手就是恐惧。惧怕失败,成功后又惧怕未知,恐惧实际上就他X的是个骗子。恐惧是设计来保护你的,但在现实里,恐惧只会让你难成大事。不要让恐惧成为你不敢迈步向前的理由,不要让它阻止你创造自己喜欢的生活。感受恐惧,和它交朋友,然后勇往直前吧。

  6. You are enough. Second only to fear, feeling not good enough is another way you may be holding yourself back from the life you truly desire. Regardless of what you want to do, you must know that you are good enough and capable enough to do what is needed to succeed. It may take some learning, support, and help from others, but when you trust that you are not only good enough, but worthy too there's nothing you can't accomplish.

  6. 你已经足够优秀了。仅次于恐惧、阻碍你拥有理想人生的另一种因素就是觉得自己不够优秀。不管你想做什么,你必须知道你已经足够优秀、有足够的能力去做成功路上所需的所有事。你可能需要学习、需要他人的支持和帮助,但当你相信自己不仅足够优秀而且值得这么优秀的时候,世界上就没有什么你是做不成的了。

上海油压工作室  7. Be happy first. The belief that when you finally get there (wherever that is) you will be happy is a misunderstanding of how life works. Being happy where you are with what you have is the way you will bring more joy, abundance, and love into your life. Like attracts like and when you are living in a state of joy where you are now, you bring in more opportunities to continually feel joy. Simple, but true.

上海油压工作室  7. 首先要高兴。如果你以为到达终点的时候(不管那是哪里)你才会高兴的话,那你就误会快乐的本质了。对此时此地你所拥有的一切感到快乐,这样就能给你带来更多快乐,让你拥有更多,使你爱上你的生活。爱会吸引爱,如果你此时此地是活在快乐中的,你就能得到更多延续快乐的机会。道理很简单,但都是真的。

  8. You are more powerful than you know. Most people don't realize how much control and power they truly have over their lives. Every single day you get to choose how you experience life and what thoughts you think. Your thoughts shape your reality and allow you to manifest and create a life that you will absolutely fall head over heels in love with. If that's not power, I don't know what is.

上海油压工作室  8. 你比你想象的更有力量。大多数人都不知道自己对自己的人生有多大的掌控力。每一天你都能选择如何体验生活,选择自己的想法。你的想法塑造了你的现实,还让你可以发现、创造一个自己想要的人生,一个让你爱得神魂颠倒的人生。如果这都不是力量,那我不知道什么才算是力量了。

上海油压工作室  9. There is no better time to begin than now. You can make a bunch of excuses about why starting when you have more experience, money, or time is better, but the truth is your time is now. No matter what dream, aspiration, or desire you have, you will never have more time in your life to bring those desires to fruition. Do your future self a favor, drop the excuses and start now.

上海油压工作室  9. 现在就是开始的最佳时机。你可以找一堆借口,说为什么不等到你更有经验、更有钱、时机更好的时候再开始呢?但事实上现在就是你的时机。不

上海油压工作室  你有什么梦想、什么愿望,想要实现那些愿望,你未来拥有的时间都不会比当下更多了。帮未来的自己一个忙吧,把借口都放下,现在就开始行动。

  10. The magic of life lies just outside your comfort zone. Doing the things that scare and excite you at the same time are exactly the things that will shift your life in incredible ways. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone and stretch yourself a bit. When you do that, you will find strength you never thought you had and you will accomplish things you never thought possible.

  10. 生活的魔力就在你的舒适区之外。做那些让你既害怕又兴奋的事会意想不到地改变你的生活。要乐于走出舒适区,伸展筋骨,活动活动。当你这么做的时候,你会发现自己拥有强大的力量,这种力量是你以前想都没想过的,哪怕是你过去从不相信自己可以做到的事,你都可以做到。

  11. Your beliefs create your life. What you believe about yourself, the world, and anything else is directly related to how you experience life. If you aren't happy with how things are going for you right this moment, start with your beliefs. When you shift your mindset and what you believe, you have the power to transform any situation for the better.

  11. 你的信念创造你的人生。你对自己、对世界、对其他事物的信念直接影响到你对生活的体验。如果你对生活的现状不满意,从自己的信念开始改变吧。当你改变了你的思维模式和信念,你就拥有了改善任何状况的力量。









