

时间:2022-05-01 18:12:09 英语作文 我要投稿
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上海油压工作室  My father is tall and handsome. His hair is very black and shiny. He has a pair of glasses on his high bridge of nose. His eyes look bright.


  My father is a coal miner. He is very busy and hard at work. Dad has a good temper. He never beats me and scolds me. Whenever I do something wrong, Dad patiently tells me where the mistake is and needs to be corrected in time. My father is very kind to me. No matter where my father goes, he will bring me a lot of delicious food.


上海油压工作室  I like my father very much.


上海油压工作室  我的爸爸叫景书珍。我的爸爸脸也长长的,也是椭圆形;爸爸是四个眼睛的爸爸,前面两个眼镜,后面两个眼睛。爸爸个子很高,比妈妈高;又很低,比天低。

上海油压工作室  My father's name is Jing Shuzhen. My father's face is also long and oval; he is a father with four eyes, two glasses in front and two eyes in back. Father is very tall, higher than mother, and very low, lower than the sky.

上海油压工作室  爸爸的缺点是爱吵人,烦死人了。我做错事了,爸爸吵得很厉害;我不做错事,他吵得不厉害;反正是爱吵。

上海油压工作室  Dad's fault is that he is noisy and annoying. I've done something wrong. My father quarrels badly. If I don't do something wrong, he doesn't quarrel badly. Anyway, he likes to quarrel.


  The advantage of dad is that he likes to laugh. Sometimes as gentle as Mom. My father will massage me; when my mother is not at home, my father will sleep with me. Just like mom.

上海油压工作室  我喜欢跟爸爸玩,但是爸爸不跟我玩。他自己玩电脑游戏,真烦,妈妈也烦。

上海油压工作室  I like playing with Dad, but dad doesn't play with me. He plays computer games by himself, which is annoying, so is his mother.



  "My father never goes home and often doesn't have a holiday. My father asks you not to worry about it. My mother and I are at home. I learned to go home alone, to play alone, to do things alone... " The father in this song is my father. He is a soldier defending his country. He is unyielding and brave.

上海油压工作室  爸爸个子不高,但是身材很棒,浑身都是肌肉。爸爸长着一张国字脸,炯炯有神的大眼睛,眉宇间透着一股威严。他的腰板总是挺得直直的,从星期一到星期五都穿着一身整洁的军装,双休日也常常是这样子。

  Dad is not tall, but he has a great figure and is full of muscles. My father has a face with Chinese characters, big bright eyes, and a dignified brow. His waistline is always straight, and he wears a neat uniform from Monday to Friday, which is often the same on weekends.


  Dad has a wide range of hobbies: reading, playing chess, calligraphy, fishing, cooking, and work. He is a workaholic. He often works late into the night, like a robot who doesn't want to stop. Alas! My mother and I have complaints, but also understand him, who calls us relatives! Dad's cooking skill is really a master in the world. It's comparable with the delicacy of the hotel chef. I like his fried sea cucumber best. It's really delicious in the world. Enjoy it on the tip of the tongue!

上海油压工作室  爸爸还有一个口头禅:“天底下,只要肯努力,没有做不好的事”。我也一直向他学习,做一个正直、勇敢、有担当的人。或许现在的我还不够好,常常令他失望、伤心,但我会不断成长。以后,我也要保家卫国,像爸爸一样

  Dad also has a saying: "in the world, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no bad thing to do.". I have also been learning from him to be an honest, brave and responsible person. Maybe I'm not good enough now. I often disappoint and hurt him, but I will continue to grow. After that, I want to protect my family and my country, just like my father










A Rainy Night英语作文带翻译05-11
