

时间:2022-05-09 16:16:17 英语作文 我要投稿




  I Dislike Writing

  My mom is a teacher of my school who teaches Chinese. Since I was little, she taught me how to read and write. She was always strict with me and now is the same. After I could read, she told me to keep a diary every day. At first, it was simple. I just wrote about the weather and what I did that day. Gradually, I must write something of my own feelings. Sometimes, after I read an essay or a book, I should write a summary or reaction to the essay or book. I find it’s good to my study and my writing skill is the best in my class. Almost every time, my articles are considered as the model version in my class. However, I dislike writing after have been writing for so many years. Even worse, I feel like I can’t write any longer. Sometimes, I note down nothing when I grab the pen in hand. That’s makes me upset.

上海油压工作室  我的妈妈是我学校的一名语文老师。从我小时候开始,她就开始教我读书写字。她对我一直很严格,现在也如此。我开始会读书之后,她就叫我每天写日记。开始写的时候很简单,我只写写天气和每天都干了什么。慢慢地,我必须在日记里加上我自己的感想。有时候,读了一篇文章或一本书之后,我也要写文章概况或是读后感。我发现这对我的写作很有好处,我的写作水平在我们班上是最好的。几乎每次我的作文都能被当成班里的范文。但是,写了这么多年之后,我现在不喜欢写作,更糟糕的是,我觉得我自己写不出文章了。有时候,笔拿在手上,我却一个字也写不出来,这让我很苦恼。





  Protect Our Eyes

  Nowadays, there are more and more students becoming short-sighted. Some students get short-sightedness when they are little. There are fifteen students wearing glasses in my class. Being short-sighted is common among students, even in primary school. That is too serious. Therefore, we should protect our eyes carefully. When we are reading and writing, we should keep a standard posture. Besides, we should not watch TV or play computer for too long. They are bad for our eyes. And, we should do eyes exercises regularly. A good rest is also important to our eyes. In all, eyes are the windows of our mind. We should keep it healthy.


上海油压工作室  希望同学们都能很好的保护眼睛,相信同学们会做的很好的吧,好好学习英语知识吧。




  My First Experience of Plane

  Today I was very excited, because I traveled plane for the first time. My parents and I traveled toBeijingtoday. When the plane took off, I felt it was shaking. But I was not nervous because of excitement. After a while, it stopped shaking and flied higher. I could see the buildings on the ground. They became smaller and smaller. And finally, I couldn't see them anymore. Through the window, I could see the blue sky. It was very clear. Clouds were under the plane. They looked so different from the ground. It was amazing. I like the view very much. It took only two hours to get toBeijing. TheBeijingairport is very large and wonderful. There are many planes and people. I think my trip will be funny.

上海油压工作室  今天我很兴奋,因为我第一次坐飞机去旅游。今天父母和我去北京旅游。飞机起飞的时候,我感到它在摇晃。但是由于兴奋,我并没有觉得紧张。过了一会,飞机停止摇晃并且飞得更高了。我能够看到地上的建筑,它们越来越小,最后就再也看不到了。透过窗户,我可以看到蓝蓝的天空,很清澈。云朵在飞机下面,它们和地上看上去很不一样,那么惊奇。我很喜欢这风景。到北京花了我们两个小时。北京机场很大很壮观,飞机和人都很多。我觉得我的旅途一定会很有趣的。

上海油压工作室  通过上面我对第一次坐飞机的经历介绍,相信大家都很想坐飞机吧,相信大家一定会有机会的哦。

上海油压工作室  初中英语写作范文:寒假计划



  Plan for Winter Holiday

  The winter holiday is coming. I expect it very much, because the Spring Festival is the most important event in the holiday. First, I will relax myself. This term I work very hard, so during the holiday, I want to have fun. My families will go back to the hometown. We will get together to celebrate the Spring Festival. I like families getting together and organizing various activities. It’s funny and warm. Of course, study can’t be ignored. After the festival, I will spend some time on my study. There will be exercises for the holiday. And I will do some reviews for next term. Math is my weakness, so I must work hard to improve it. This is my plan for winter holiday.



上海油压工作室  初中英语写作范文:这就是我



  This Is Me

  My name is Li Xing, a boy in fourteen years old. I come from Dalian, Liaoning Province, which is a beautiful and energetic city. Every year, thousands of tourists visit there. There are three people in my family, my parents and I. My parents are doctors who work in a big hospital in my city. I have many interests. Swimming, reading and movie are my favorites, which bring color to my busy study life. In study, I am good at Chinese and English, while math is my weakness. I work very hard to improve it, but it doesn’t work very well. Besides, I am easygoing and likely to make friends with others. Friendship is an important part of my life.

上海油压工作室  我叫李兴,今年十四岁。我来自辽宁省大连市。这是一个美丽而又充满活力的城市。每年都有成千上万的游客来这里参观。我家共有三口人,父母和我。我的父母都是大医院的医生。我有很多爱好,其中游泳,阅读和电影是我最喜欢的。它们给我忙碌的学习生活带来了很多色彩。我擅长语文和英语,而数学则是我的弱项。尽管我很努力去提高它,但是并没有很大的作用。除此之外,我也是个外向的人,喜欢和别人做朋友。友情是我生活中重要的一部分。


上海油压工作室  我的学习计划

上海油压工作室  下面是我对新学期的学习计划的介绍,希望同学们很好的看看下面讲解的知识。

  学习计划 Study Plan

上海油压工作室  At the beginning of this term, I made a plan for my study. Now, I find that I carry it out well in the past month. I was poor in Chinese and English last semester. Therefore, I put the two subjects in the priority and I spent much time on them. Happily, I made progress in the two subjects this semester. Besides, math and physics is not so hard for me, but I must do many exercises to improve my knowledge. Half of an hour for each is necessary and I have always been doing so. The other subjects are easy for me. As long as I carefully listen to the teacher in the class and do some reviews, I can do well in them. While, it does not mean that I attach no importance to them. I make plan for my study to ensure the efficiency of my study.












初中英语作文 The space11-24
