

时间:2022-04-04 01:27:07 作文 我要投稿





  Friend, is the bosom friend in our life, is relying on in our life.Everyone has his most loyal friends, but my friend presented today, is extraordinary, it makes us growth knowledge, learning life truth...Said, in fact, so long, you should guess who it is!It is to have several thousand years of history - book.

  Speaking of it (book), we also had many stories, please listen to me in this.

上海油压工作室   In fact, when I was a kid, it's become my partner: babble ten minutes, just before bed, a fairy tale...Countless.As early as when I was three years old, my mother, in order to cultivate the habit of reading I spent a lot of money and time, if very busy mother, book is my helpless, every time, I always read in the mother's ex, like go shopping - when reading a book tour, but a minute, a book from my hand sneak back into the small bookcase, at that time, reading a book for me, it's like a bowl of water, insipid and tasteless.

上海油压工作室   With days passing by, I gradually grew up, books gradually became indispensable friend in my life.

  Remember when I was in the third grade, there, my friend, not too much, the bell rang, but always no one call me to play, I eagerly looked at the students left the classroom one after another, the in the mind always feel not the taste.

上海油压工作室   That evening, I finished my homework, bored and staring at the ceiling, thinking of a day, suddenly, like a torrent of strength to push me to the book, although I reluctantly, but still insist to see, more see more feel the taste, gradually, it has become my good friend.

上海油压工作室   I have many books, they are the best friend in my life, is that they are associated with my growth, is that they took me to the way forward...Boys and girls, do you have a friend like me?


上海油压工作室   What is a friend, my friend?I still didn't understand.

  I a lot of \"friends\", they basically is very kind to me.They always appear when I need them in a timely manner;Always in my sad comfort me;Always when I was a success and I share the joy of success...Maybe, this is my friend.

  I still have some \"friends\".They always love to the man behind others pointing fingers, gossiping;They are artificial, smirked, and went in front of others behind, but in front of others malicious slander others...Maybe, this is my friend.

  I still have a kind of \"friends\", they are loyal, never hide your friends anything, they sincere, let me feel warm, they use their heart to treat others...Maybe, this is my friend.

上海油压工作室   There are also many human friends, for example, a dog.It is often said that dog, is the friend of mankind.So, how do humans treat their \"friends\"?Human beings in need of a dog, give them to eat good, live well;Don't need them, they let the dog out of the door.Humans believe that dog meat tender and delicious, hence to massive dog cull.When people eat dog meat, people won't feel guilty, don't remember a dog is man's friend, not to ignore the feeling of the dog.Even so, the dog is still, as always, loyalty, kindness, serve the people.This is a friend?

上海油压工作室   Among mankind, a group of people, they are useful to oneself, please, flattery.When the key, with each other.For his lost use value, will be \"friends\" is a kick.This is a friend?

上海油压工作室   Everyone has their own friends.Some friends let a person feel warm;Some friends let a person feel happy;Some friends let a person feel the existence of sincere....Some friends can in others need when he appeared in a timely manner;Some friends just hypocrites;Some friends with their most sincere heart to treat others;Some friends with each other...

上海油压工作室   Maybe, this is my friend.


  In life, practice makes no bosom friend?A old sings well, \"friends ah, have you ever thought of me? If you are unfortunate, could you please tell me.\"Friends can be in your most helpless time, feel to rely on;In the most painful time, you help you share sorrow;A friend is such a person, you have a bosom friend?

  My popularity is quite good, \"so-called\" friends piles, can say intimate, return true not a few, but is not without, a village girl Jiang Dan with me, is my real bosom friend!

  She has thick eyebrows, bright eyes, is not tall but very slim.When we were in the same school, can be said to be inseparable.To enter high school although separated, but one to the holidays, we like plaster stick together.A lot has happened on my and her body...

  Remember that autumn, dad went to the field on a business trip, mom and temporary work overtime at night, I was the only one in the home, might be a ghost story look much, always feel a ghost in the home, the wind whispering trees blown outside, I have heard is afraid.Already more than seven, I was afraid, so he give Jiang Dan try holding the psychological, she ask for consent from the parents, with the fastest speed rushed to my home, an enter a door was afraid to ask I didn't eat, eat at home advised me not to afraid of problems, such as chatting with my homework again.Later because the mother came back too late, she had a good night's sleep in my house, every detail of her that night really let me touched for a while.

  Recently, because of some trivial matter, we make the unpleasant.Who also don't want to manage, but a few days to I realized that because of my mistake may lose the good friends, and sincerely apologize to her, or she is generous, immediately forgive me.

  I with ginger x has experienced many hardships and happiness, I like her, she is my bosom friend!










