

时间:2023-05-15 13:03:51 英语作文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编精心整理的保护环境英语作文8篇,欢迎阅读与收藏。


保护环境英语作文 篇1

  My hometown is a rich product, lush place - Shandong.

  I often and the little brother of the neighbor to play a small stream, once, I ride a bike with a little brother to play a small stream, where the stream is crystal clear, flowers are very lush, Very, there are yellow, there are green, there are yellow, how the number is countless, and my little brother often here to fight the water battles.

上海油压工作室  However, when I was six years old, I once again riding a bike, with a little brother to play a small stream, I saw the hometown of the river has undergone great changes: the stream becomes black and smelly; The little fish are dead and floating on the water; there are some rubbish floating on the water. See this scene, I and the little brother were shocked.

  I decided in the spring of each year, I and my father and mother home to a few trees, and home of the children co-sponsored "raising a potted plant, plant a tree, love every piece of grass, do not litter" and let's Mom and Dad "put down the bag, pick up the basket" initiative.

  Although we are now doing nothing but trivial things, but I believe that as long as we all have a sense of responsibility to protect the environment, then we will see a clean and beautiful world!

保护环境英语作文 篇2


上海油压工作室  Environmental problems are as big as not for individual country or individual people to address。 In other word, we have reached the stage that environmental problems be solved for international view。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  In recent years, many nations have bee more aware of the environmental issues each nation faces, such as air and water pollution。 The question is, are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem? It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of being an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve。

  Because of the differences in environmental policies, resources and technology, international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources and technology。 By pooling international resources and technology to address the environmental problems, the disadvantaged nations are provided the assistance needed。 Otherwise their environmental conditions deteriorate ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole。

上海油压工作室  One of the difficulities to an international resolution to environmental issues is the difference in individual nations view and policies toward environmental protection。 In order for international cooperation to occur and succeed, the nations of the world must submit themselved to international standards and supervision by an international mission elected by the participating nations of the world。 All members must agree to abide by the standards established。

  The environmental issues facing each country are not unrelated to the well being of the rest of the world。 The impact is long term and international in scope。 Without international cooperation and agreement to address such environmental issues as glacial melting at the South Pole, depletion of the ozone layer, water pollution, air polution, etc。, the environmental conditions of the world will deteriorate to the detriment of every nation, not just those that ignore or lack the resources and technology to resolve their individual environmental problems。

  As part of the same planet, it is the responsibility of each individual and nation to protect the global environment。 Only international cooperation will provide the timely solutions and the effectiveness needed to stop the deteriorating global environment。

保护环境英语作文 篇3

上海油压工作室  The campus is like the flowers, the fragrance of the intoxicating, the smell of love. The schoolyard is like rain dew, nourish us, cultivate us; The campus is like a dream, that kind of beautiful, that kind of sweet. I love this garden campus.

  "Beautify campus, green campus". Our campus has become green and beautiful. Flowers, small trees, patches of grass, flowerbeds, our campus is full of life and fresh.

上海油压工作室  "The air is fresh, clean and tidy environment, buildings, surrounded by green trees", who don't want to in such a clean, sanitary, healthy growth of the beautiful campus learning? But for various reasons, our campus environment is being undermined by the bad behavior of some students. Nowadays, in our beautiful campus, there are some uncivilized phenomena, some students randomly throw in the peel of paper, plastic bottles, melon seed shells and so on. Whenever naughty wind these waste, running here and there, tinkling like a child, helpless, we can only watch them on campus "dance", and even some classmates in the scribble on the white wall and the desk carved, and disorderly spit phlegm, and so on. All this, cannot match with our beautiful campus. See these phenomena, how would you feel? Does studying here make everyone happy?

上海油压工作室  In order to let us have the beautiful campus of green trees, clean environment and grass, please act quickly! Use your own hands to protect the beauty of the campus environment. Through radio, blackboard, speech competition, knowledge competition, the development theme class meeting, publicity of the importance of protecting our campus environment, the necessity, form "real small is my home, beautiful depends on everybody" good atmosphere; Start everyone from yourself and start with the little things around you. As the saying goes, "do not be small but do not be evil." Get into the habit of not littering, spitting, not scribbling, trampling on the lawn, moving, bending, and so on. Dear students, Let us join hands and work together to create a beautiful and tidy learning environment for ourselves. Isn't that bad?

  I am convinced that the campus is beautiful, friendly, is a place where we learn to grow, we love the campus, love every inch of the campus, let's work together to protect the environment of the campus!

保护环境英语作文 篇4

  There are more high-rise apartment buildings built in the city we live to accommodate more city dwellers. To make room for these constructions, a large number of trees are cut down. We have to be constantly afflicted with the noise and air pollution everyday. Obviously, we are paying the cost of the development.

  Even the most developed countries are troubled with environmental issues. In fact, the more developed the country is, the severer the problem has. To maintain our economy prosperity and stability, we have to be in full operations and spread the workload in industry fields. As a result, we may seek temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and resources. The consumption of natural resources has been a big problem. It is admitted that the world economy is booming with the satisfaction of environment. However, we have made a blunder by equating material prosperity with better living standards.

  A better life should be a life closer to nature. The modern lifestyle is best characterized by hectic, mass-productive and seemingly comfortable. But actually something originally natural and invaluable has been lost. We are no longer able to breathe fresh air, take a walk in the woods or even look at the stars in the sky as the stars are obscured by smog and artificial lights.

上海油压工作室  Hence, we need to curb the quick tempo of life in order to protect our environment and ironically improve our life. Science and technology thus should be employed to create a harmonious relationship between mankind and nature. A better environment means much more than material comforts. Besides, by slowing down a little bit, our life would turn out to be less stressful. To have a better life, we need take effective measures right now.

  The current environment damage stems from the misguided conception that material wealth is equivalent to a better life. In reality, environmental protection serves as the catalyst of our very pursuit of better life rather than a deterrent

保护环境英语作文 篇5

上海油压工作室  One day Sun Wukong together with his master and brothers was walking across a river. Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell of river water. They found the water so dirty that they could hardly breathe.

  A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed. If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.

保护环境英语作文 篇6

上海油压工作室  The trickle of water was crystal clear, accompanied by the sound of the "ding dong" of the spring. The undulating mountain stands erect, majestic and overwhelming; The green trees, towering above the tops of the mountains, are not afraid to be afraid; The wild flowers, which are in the top of the mountain, are full of beauty and beauty, and the fresh flowers are pleasing to the soul. But that was all have become memories, is facing a murky water, batteries, plastic bags have polluted the land, industrial waste gas, automobile exhaust pollution the air, trees and flowers are hard to meet again, only can see is just a weak looking trees flowers and plants, all everything has disappeared, the earth on a red alert. The presidents of all countries have been together for three days and three nights... "The whole people moved to the moon," they were consulted, and they issued such an order. According to the scientists observed earth damage is too severe, human will not far from the end of the world, if you don't leave the earth, mankind had to count the days such as dead. The present moon, which has been constructed by human ancestors and modern humans, has been transformed.

上海油压工作室  The lush woods, the crystal clear water, the blue sky, and the various shapes of flowers and animals. "Wow! This is like a new earth, and it brings us back to the old days." people don't sigh. Yes, the moon has now and once the earth is almost the same as the air around the moon, the moon's gravity, and thick atmosphere around the moon, everything seemed to go back to the once upon a time, people are living down here... "Wow! There are so many trees here! ", "wow! There are so many rivers here!" Greed once again led the human hand into the abyss...

上海油压工作室  For a long time, the moon returned to the earth and the earth was devastated, and everything on the moon was dead. All the pollution to the moon, the atmosphere became thin almost close to zero, tragedy staged again, once upon a certain day a diameter of 40 kilometers meteorite broke into the moon, because the moon's atmosphere is too thin, almost no resistance, is this meteorite is easy to break into the moon, because there is almost no resistance, meteorite impact force is very big, hit ground surface cracked a big hole, the hot, liquid mass of molten rock from cracks in shock... Facing death of that a moment, human beings finally wake up, but the wake up, now is just unable to struggle, ridiculous human this time really redeemed himself again. The world has been destroyed, mankind has perished.

保护环境英语作文 篇7

上海油压工作室  What Can We Do for the Environment

  our environment is becoming worse and worse,what can we do for the environment?I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem。

  The first thing we can do is to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. The second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. What's more,it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We should try our best to reduce pollution and waste。

  In fact,even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in。

保护环境英语作文 篇8

  Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society” which is filling with plastic bags and rubbish. What do you think?

上海油压工作室  Wind blows up bags higher and higher in the sky. It is a scary thought that some day the earth will turn into a huge garbage land. Wastes, if not treated properly, will make our life a living nightmare.

上海油压工作室  The environmental issue is getting worse almost every day in cities with very large population. As is often the case, city development outpaces environmental protection. People consume great amount of natural resources and produce wastes. To effectively address such problems, cities need to spend big money. In addition, they need to call to the attention of people to become more environmentally responsible.

上海油压工作室  Many people are becoming less responsible and easily influenced by bad behaviors. “Why should I care while others shouldn’t?” Such idea makes some people only concern with places where they live and work. Furthermore, people sometimes even purposely litter for revenge to other people.

  Although media promotes environmental awareness, good people are often snubbed as posers who try to set up a superior image in real life. Consequently, they are intimated of receiving negative comments for doing the right thing. Wrong as it is, such phenomenon is widespread especially among youngsters and people with low income and little education.

  However, our society is waging a campaign against environmental pollution. People learn the harms of un-degradable lunch boxes and other polluting wastes. Laws in many countries prohibit or limit excessive use of polluting bags. Companies are continually replacing the old materials with more environmental friendly and recyclable kinds. Scientists have developed more effective technologies in waste treatment. As time goes by, more and more people put high priority on the protection of environment for a healthier life.

上海油压工作室  To sum up, people produce huge amount of garbage and the environment is seriously polluted because of lack of financial resources, sense of responsibility, or efforts. But the world will not turn into a “throw away” society if people put in sufficient efforts to protect our environment.










