

时间:2023-05-10 08:29:41 英语作文 我要投稿
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上海油压工作室  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是小编帮大家整理的英语作文600字10篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


英语作文600字 篇1

上海油压工作室  In a calm sea every man is a pilot.


  But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all.Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn.Bereavements and blessings,one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.

上海油压工作室  但只有阳光没有阴影,只有快乐没有痛苦,根本不是真正的生活.就拿最幸福的人来说,他的生活也是一团缠结在一起的乱麻。痛苦与幸福交替出现,使得我们一会悲伤一会高兴。甚至死亡本身都使得生命更加可爱。在人生清醒的时刻,在悲伤与失落的阴影之下,人们与真实的`自我最为接近。

  In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character, not brains so much as heart, not genius so much as self-control, patience, and discipline, regulated by judgment.

上海油压工作室  在生活和事业的种种事务之中,性格比才智更能指导我们,心灵比头脑更能引导我们,而由判断获得的克制、耐心和教养比天分更能让我们受益。

英语作文600字 篇2

  Reduce Pressure


  假设你们班要在下星期一举行题为“The Was fr Students t Relax”的班会,请结合报道的'内容。用英语写一篇80字左右的发言材料。


  1. 简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。

  2. 你认为来自于English Online调查结果的放松方式是否有效,为什么?


上海油压工作室  Dear fellws,

上海油压工作室  Nt nl adults but als we students ften feel stressed because we have t uch hewr t d, and we are ver bus studing ever da, we dn’t have ur wn tie t d what we are interested in. We are ver tired and sleep all da, s we shuld learn t deal with it. What shuld we d t relax?

  Fr the result f the surve, I thin ding sprts with classates is a gd wa t relax. Because it’s gd fr ur health and it can ae us relaxed.

  I als have three was t relax urselues. First, we can listen t usic. Secnd, we can g t the vies with ur parents n weeends. Dn’t stud at he all the weeend. Third, when we feel tired, we can thin abut sething interesting.

  I hpe suggestins can help u.Thans!

英语作文600字 篇3

上海油压工作室  Write a letter inquiring about a travel agency about the trip to Mount Huangshan. Some necessary details must be included. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

  Dear Sir or Madam,

上海油压工作室  I would like to travel to Mount Huangshan this summer. I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding the following information concerned in your agency because my friend John spoke highly of your service.

  My family will come with me. Therefore, I would like to know the details about this trip, such as the accommodation, the plans and the money we will cost. By the way, how do you deliver these materials to me? What’s the deadline before we make the final decision?

  How do I pay for you?

  Thank you for your attention. I am looking forward to your immediate response.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

英语作文600字 篇4

上海油压工作室  Three days ago we decided to visit the Great Wall.

  Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning. When we were on the bus, we saw a lot of new buildings and new shops.Beijing was taller than before, I thought.

  It took us about two hours to get to the Great Wall. When the Great Wall appeared in front of us, we couldn' , t help thinking how wonderful it is! I wondered how the people in the past built it without modem machines. It is said you can see it from the space.I was proud of it.

  After coming home I made up my mind to study harder than before. When I grow up, I will work hard to make our country more beautiful and stronger.

上海油压工作室  三天以前我们就决定去参观长城。




英语作文600字 篇5


上海油压工作室  My little sister is a lively and cheerful little girl. She likes to use her brain very much. Her eyes are always smiling, as if there are happy things every day.


上海油压工作室  When playing in school, she always throws the ball to her classmates, so whenever this is the students, they will be happy and like to play with her. Her smiling mouth always makes people smile.


  Remember once, I fell down and cried. My sister told all kinds of jokes beside me. She tried everything to make me laugh. At last, I laughed. My little sister laughed sweeter than me. This is my little sister!


  How nice my little sister is! I like her so much!

英语作文600字 篇6

  Nowadays, more and more students have their own mobile phones.

上海油压工作室  A mobile phone is very useful for us. It offers a lot of convenience. If we have a mobile phone, we can find our friends easily. We can send short messages to our friends. And sending messages is getting more and more popular now. If you have a mobile phone, other students may think you're popular.

上海油压工作室  But it also brings some trouble. Some students don't mind their study at all, so they send messages to their friends in class. Some of them may show off their new expensive mobile phones to others. I think it's pretty terrible.

  I think we can have mobile phones. And we should study hard as well. A mobile phone is useful and study is important as well.

英语作文600字 篇7

上海油压工作室  I'll never forget the person who helped me The person I shall never forget is my junior high English teacher, Linda. She speaks beautiful English and she's very kind and friendly. She helped me a lot in my English learning. She always encouraged us to practise more. We often did pair work, group work, discussions and reports. She also brought us a lot of really nice English songs and chants. We never found it boring to learn English. As a result, I made great progress in English. What's more, I really enjoy learning English. I'll never forget Linda who helped me in my English study and I'll try to help others as much as I can like Linda.

上海油压工作室  我永远不会忘记曾经帮助过我的人,我永远不会忘记的是我的初中英语老师,琳达。她说漂亮的英语,她非常友好和友好。在我的英语学习中,她帮助了我很多。她总是鼓励我们多练习。我们经常做对工作,小组工作,讨论和报告。她也给我们带来了很多非常好的'英文歌曲和歌谣。我们从来没觉得学英语很无聊。结果,我在英语上取得了很大进步。更甚的是,我真的很喜欢学习英语。我永远不会忘记在我的英语学习上帮助过我的琳达,我会尽我所能地帮助别人,就像琳达。

英语作文600字 篇8

  It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite.

  As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings

  . So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.

英语作文600字 篇9


上海油压工作室  My favorite teacher is Lu Wei. She taught us only two years.


  When she was in the third grade, she was very good to us and often shared her happiness with us. When she gave us the animal unit, we also brought the animal toys. In the third grade, when we were studying the unit of food, the teacher brought us food. Whoever answered the questions correctly would eat it. At the party, teach us a very interesting dance.

上海油压工作室  四年级时老师有一些严了,只要我们做的不好,老师开始惩罚我们。

  In the fourth grade, the teacher was strict. As long as we didn't do well, the teacher began to punish us.


  Miss Lu, I'm going to junior high school. I'll come back to see you.

英语作文600字 篇10

  Nowadays, many people choose to shopping online because it's convient.

  First, let's talk about some advantages of shopping online. More and more young people prefer shopping online for their shortage of time. They have to work in the daytime and also have to spend a lot of time on rest and entertainment. So they buy the goods online to save the time of walking around in the shop. And if you can't find the goods you want in the physical shop, you maybe buy them online beacause the online stores dispose of a large variety of good.

  Of coures, you have to be careful of online shopping. There is a big difference between the post photos and the goods. And you also can't try the clothes nor touch the thing when you browse the web pages. And it may take a lot of time in logistics distribution.

  As long as you can make sure that you will not regret for your chosen goods, I think shopping online is a good choice.










