

时间:2023-04-19 15:42:13 英语作文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编为大家收集的英语过年的作文3篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


英语过年的作文 篇1

  Before the Spring Festival, everyone is jubilant and full of spirit. Some are buying New Year's paintings, some are buying New Year's goods, some are watching TV in a box of fire, others are playing mahjong and playing CARDS, etc.

上海油压工作室  Every house is brightly lit, and the family is dressed up in a different way, each with its own personality. The bulk of the parcel was piled up all over the place. Buy the New Year picture how to stick a law, that each have each style each have their own preference. Some are sticking, some are upside down, and some are slanted, and there are all kinds of stickers. People are ready to buy the food, waiting for the Spring Festival to come, they can enjoy a feast. People are wearing new clothes for the New Year. When people go out, if they meet a good friend, always say: "happy New Year!"

上海油压工作室  The Spring Festival is coming. As the saying goes, "Spring Festival is the day when children unite to kill adults." the happiest thing is that we can save money for the New Year. The children get up early, come to their parents' room, say some auspicious words, the parents will give the children lucky money. As long as our mouths are sweet, we can make a lot of money! The adults also hope that in the New Year, they will be lucky and rich.

  I wish you all the best in the New Year!

英语过年的作文 篇2

上海油压工作室  清晨的火炉早已被柴火烧的噼里啪啦地响,阿姨们在灶台上翻炒着那一系列的美味佳肴,烟气很快弥漫了整个灶房,呛得我直咳嗽。

上海油压工作室  The early morning stove had already been crackling with firewood. Aunts were frying a series of delicious dishes on the stove. The smoke soon filled the whole kitchen and made me cough.


上海油压工作室  Out of the door, the depression is like a monotonous sketch, spreading all over the world. But even if it is such a winter, there is still infinite interest for children. When he is lucky, Dad can catch one or two rabbits from the stone mountain. When we were young, we were lying on the windowsill, looking at the rabbit#39;s fluttering before it died. We didn#39;t know whether we were excited or sorry. More often, we will play with the two yuan a box of cleaning guns: as soon as we wipe the edge of the box, we will quickly throw it at the small hole in the mountain. Only the sound of "pa" was heard, and only a small black pit was left on the hillside. Every household is ringing with the sound of rubbing artillery. Although the sound is not loud, it makes a happy music in the busy.

上海油压工作室  每到傍晚,年味逐渐浓起来,各家的炊烟从屋檐一点点地升了起来,笔直地,到了一定的高度便渐渐消散了。那绵长的呼喊声在那样欢乐的夜里,显得特别可爱。原来是年迈的婆婆在门口呼喊着在田间嬉戏玩耍的孙子回家吃饭了!于是,三两个孩子跑回来了,脚不安分地踢来踢去。等待着那一系列的山珍野味。腊排骨是必不可少的,一端上桌,孩子都跳了起来,舀起大块的骨头,滋溜滋溜吸着那暖烘烘的汤。孩子们都忘乎所以的吃着喝着,不亦乐乎。直到饭碗见底,一抹嘴,拿起鞭炮,飞快达窜到外面去了。

  Every evening, the smell of the year gradually thickens, and the cooking smoke of each family rises from the eaves, straightly, and gradually dissipates at a certain height. The long cry was so lovely on such a happy night. It turned out that the elderly mother-in-law was shouting at the door that the grandson who was playing in the field had gone home to eat! So three or two children came back and kicked around restlessly. Waiting for a series of mountain delicacies. The spareribs are indispensable. When they are on the table at one end, the children jump up and scoop up large pieces of bones. Ziliuziliu sucks the warm soup. The children are all eating and drinking in a trance. Until the bottom of the job, wipe your mouth, take up the firecrackers, and fly to the outside.


  Soon, the ground was full of fireworks, and the sky was shining. This is the most exuberant and lively time of the day, and the new year#39;s taste of the day after the laughter also ushered in the end.


  Now, my family#39;s new year flavor has no such happy atmosphere, but this flavor is always hidden in my heart.

英语过年的作文 篇3

  After the new year, the Spring Festival I was looking forward to finally arrived.

上海油压工作室  Early in the morning I shouted happily: the New Year New Year!! I feel very happy, swiftly ran downstairs to the grandparents pay New Year's call. I wish them a happy New Year!

  The evening, grandma prepared a sumptuous dinner table: Braised pork in brown sauce and fragrant and delicious sausage Braised Pork wuhua...... Oh, and I love to eat dumplings! One family dinner, we lifted the cup, bless each other.

上海油压工作室  After eating, I played with my brother. Brother lit fireworks, a whoosh, into the sky, blooming in the sky a riotous with colour light, red, yellow and green...... The beautiful fireworks show the new year's night sky and also show us the happy and joyful.

上海油压工作室  On this day, I had fun and enjoyed myself, and I had a happy year of thirty.



上海油压工作室  晚上,奶奶准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐:红烧肉、香喷喷的五花扣肉、美味的.香肠……哦,还有我最喜欢吃的饺子!开饭了,我们一家人举起杯,互相祝福。

上海油压工作室  吃完饭后,我和弟弟玩起了烟花。弟弟点燃了烟花,嗖的一声,射向天空,在空中绽放出五颜六色的光芒,红的、黄的、绿的……美丽的烟花映亮了新年的夜空,也映亮了高兴欢快的我们。











