

时间:2023-03-21 19:18:23 英语作文 我要投稿
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快乐的英语作文300字 篇1

上海油压工作室  “快点,鲁宏梓!”“哦,你好,我们在举办英语文化节呢!一会儿再和你聊。走吧!”

  看,操场上人山人海,车水马龙!一开始,我像一张滚烫滚烫的大饼,可过了一会儿,我却像一个痛苦的冰棍。为什么呢?因为我快冻僵了,转眼间,我完成了四项,可我觉得最有趣的还是“会话小精灵”,那是我走到小姐姐的面前,看着她严厉的'目光,像一位法庭上的法官,我又被吓了一跳!我说"point to the A B C ,poite to the door..........."小姐姐说:“不错呀!”说着给我打上了三颗星。在接下来的三项比赛中,我不再那么紧张了,心情放松下来了,比赛也变得如鱼得水。看着这八项一共得的二十四颗星,甜甜得笑了。


上海油压工作室  英语文化节,我期待和你下次再见面。

快乐的英语作文300字 篇2

上海油压工作室  今天下午我去上英语补习班补习英语。

上海油压工作室  老师先让我们看了1、2、3课的单词,一个5分一共100分。可惜我写错一个字母,扣了5分,是95分。唉,真不该出错呀。再看看别人,都是100分,我下定决心,回家一定好好背,下次考个100分。

上海油压工作室  之后,我们开始复习了,老师先给同学们讲不会的题。背单词,背对话,读短语。



上海油压工作室  然后我们又玩了会儿写纸条的游戏,规则是有些人写人物,有些人写地点,有些人写干什么,最后收起来,让老师读,如周杰伦在天安门钓鱼,孙悟空在茅厕吃饭……笑的`同学们人仰马翻。


快乐的英语作文300字 篇3

  Today is the National Day.It is our countrys birthday.Now she is 56.I am very happy.


  Today in the afternoon . I go to the park. people all look so happy. Someone is doing exercise,someone is singing the nation song .A little girl came to me and said to me ,happy National Day.I know she loves the country,but I love her ,too. Today is a happy day.

上海油压工作室  今天下午。我去公园。人们看起来很高兴。有人在做运动,有人在唱这首歌,一个小女孩来到我的`国家,对我说:国庆节快乐,我知道她爱这个国家,但我也爱她。今天是快乐的一天。

快乐的英语作文300字 篇4

  everyone has a family。 i have a family, too。 i name it “happy family”, because everyone in my family is happy.

上海油压工作室  come and meet my family, please! my mother is kind。 i love her, and she loves me, too。 my mother is pretty。 she likes beautiful clothes。 i call her“dressy mum”。

上海油压工作室  my father is a boss。 he is tall and thin。 he has a small head。 i give him a nickname“small head father”。 i am fat and lovely。 i have a big head。 i give myself a nickname“big head girl”。 i study hard。 i am a good student。

上海油压工作室  we are happy every day!

快乐的英语作文300字 篇5

上海油压工作室  had a fantastic and meaningful summer vacation. I did my homework every day . I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends. I sometimes went to movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. My parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there. I really had a happy summer vacation.

快乐的英语作文300字 篇6

上海油压工作室  An Happy Day

  Today, our teacher Mrs. Li takes us to have outside activity, and we feel so excited. We go to the museum and take a visit of the historical relics. Mrs. Li explains for us about our country's history. I learn a lot knowledge and feel so lucky to born in this this age. It is a happy day for me.


快乐的英语作文300字 篇7

  This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar. At the beginning, I couldn't do well at all often made mistakes. I was very low-spirited,father mother encouraged me a lot. So I began to try my best. Gradually, I could do a very good job. I felt very excited when I received my pay for the first time. I already made up my mind to find another part-time job in this winter vacation. I believe I can do better next time.

上海油压工作室  这个暑假我在一家快餐店找了一份兼职工作。刚开始的时候,我总是做不好,经常犯错误。我很沮丧,爸爸妈妈鼓励了我很多。所以我开始尽我最大的努力。渐渐地,我可以做得很好了。当我第一次收到我的`工资时,我感到非常兴奋。我已经决定在这个寒假找一份兼职工作。我相信我下次能做得更好。

快乐的英语作文300字 篇8

上海油压工作室  this summer is evry surprised, because it is a special one,during the summer, i have beening done many work,for eample,chinese work,math work,physics work and so on.i have made a big progress ,i feel very confdence and very happy.

  since august 8th,,i watch many games on my computer evey day, sometimes watch the games at midnight.the olympic opening ceremony is very great. it make evryone chinese prond.even many foreigners feel surprising.we have got eight gold medals ,i am very happy and proud, i am chinese. i believe our players will win more gold medals.

快乐的英语作文300字 篇9

  今天学正学堂的苏丹(Su Dan)老师来我们学校给我们上了一节快乐的英语课。

  到了上英语课的时间,颜老师和陈老师却坐在教室的.后面,没有走到讲台上去给我们上课,正奇怪的时候,我们看到一个人大摇大摆的从教室门口走了进来,我一看,这人的眼睛是蓝色的,真是奇怪,正在我发愣的时候这个走到了讲台上,用英语跟我们打了个招呼,啊!这里我才回过神来,然来他是我们今天的外国英语老师。老师先自我介绍了一下,他说:“我叫Su Dan,今天是来给你们上英语课的(英语)。”我们所有同学都兴高彩烈的大声说:“欢迎、欢迎!”但是发现老师的表情并不开心,这是怎么回事呢?后来我们才恍然大悟,原来这是英语课,要讲英语的,于是我们马上说:“Hello,Hello,Hello。”老师的表情立刻由阴转晴了,就这样开始了我们有趣的英语课。










