

时间:2023-03-16 16:11:24 作文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都写过作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编为大家收集的英语过年的作文3篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


英语过年的作文 篇1

  In a burst of firecrackers, a burst of song and laughter, we finally ushered in the Spring Festival! The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China and the happiest day for us. The lights were on and the streets were decorated with jubilant scenes. My father and mother also set up a new home in the morning, and bought the New Year's goods. I blinked my happy eyes and took a picture in front of the wardrobe mirror in my new clothes. It was really beautiful!

  My father led me to stick the red couplets on the gate of the courtyard, and my house was filled with happiness. To my New Year's eve is the most warm night, the whole family sitting together for the scented dumplings, feel so warm in the heart, look at the colorful Spring Festival gala show, still waiting for the New Year's bell sounded...

上海油压工作室  On the morning of the first day of the New Year, relatives and friends came to visit. People greet each other, which is very lively. Mom and dad, grandpa and grandma, my mother gave me lucky money! At noon, relatives and friends gathered together, and it was a great pleasure to have dinner with them. The table is filled with all kinds of delicacies, including chicken, duck, fish, meat, and my favorite fish fillet. Everyone raised a cup of joy, and joy hung in everyone's face. Everyone offered to take a photo of him to be remembered. When his father took the camera and took a picture, everyone laughed and shouted, "cheese!" A face full of smiling faces...

  At night, under the beautiful moonlight, my sisters and I lit the fireworks in our hands, and immediately burst out beautiful sparks, beautiful! Look at this beautiful scenery, listen to a burst of sparks, don't mention how happy!

  A New Year is a new beginning. Let us cherish every minute and every second from now on, add a momentum, get a harvest!

英语过年的作文 篇2

  Today is the first day of the New Year. It is a traditional Chinese festival.

  During the Spring Festival, every family should paste Spring Festival couplets and eat dumplings. Of course, my family is no exception the day before the Spring Festival, we have posted the Spring Festival couplets, father glue the glue on the wall, the Spring Festival couplets paste up, so that is good. In the morning, we got up at 5 o 'clock, made the dumplings, and began to eat. After eating the dumplings, I started to shoot the gun. My father was holding the lighter, and the gun was on the top of the gun. The gun was very heavy, and I was going to deafen my ears. Put out gun, we'll go out to visit relatives, after a while, we came to, into the house, we made four bow first and then again to the uncles and aunts made three bow, uncle aunt hurriedly send New Year's money, I thanked them, went to a friend's house, or just like last time, and then to xi 'an a destination, it is needless to say, keep pace with times as last time.

上海油压工作室  In the evening, this is the most wonderful evening, every family is eating the fresh dumplings, with beautiful fireworks, the sky is more colorful. It is beyond words to express beauty.

  I wish this day would never pass.

英语过年的作文 篇3

  Chinese New Year, my father and my sister together to tianma supermarket to buy New Year goods, we walked into the supermarket, there are so many people! It's a sea of people.

  There are a lot of goods in the supermarket, there are lots of goods from all over the country. For example, there are dozens of delicious sausages for all the drinks I love, even the fresh fruit in the south, which makes our people in the north more satisfied. During the New Year, people bring their bags to their homes and buy them for hundreds of yuan.

上海油压工作室  The father said, "you have more children now. You can have whatever you want. We didn't have so many goods when we were young."

  This is not to say that our country is now economic development, social progress, the country is rich and powerful?










