

时间:2023-02-12 09:40:42 英语作文 我要投稿




我的生日英语作文 篇1

上海油压工作室  Today is my seventh birthday, and I have a delicious western meal with my dear friend, li and my dear cute sister. I ate a delicious spaghetti, and I was very happy and blessed by many people. After dinner, my sister and I went to wanda plaza, visited the great white whale playground, played bumper cars, flying saucers, and small flying fish.

  Today, I have a great time with my cute sister. I am so happy. My mother gave me happiness. I love my mother very much!

我的生日英语作文 篇2

上海油压工作室  每年到我生日那天,妈妈都会送一个精美的玩具给我当生日礼物。到现在为止,我一共有8个玩具了,有我喜欢的芭比娃娃、小海豚,还有漂亮的小蓝公主、泥娃娃等等。她们满满地摆在我的房间,就像我的好朋友一样,陪我度过快乐的童年。

上海油压工作室  Every year to my birthday, my mother will give me a beautiful toy as a birthday present. So far, I have 8 toys in total, including Barbie dolls, little dolphins, beautiful little blue princess, mud dolls and so on. They are all over my room, just like my good friends, spending a happy childhood with me.


  One day at noon, my mother cooked for me in the kitchen as usual, and let me play first and wait for the meal. I played the game of family with my toy friend, playing, I suddenly fell asleep in a daze

上海油压工作室  “小主人,欢迎你来到玩具世界,我们都是你的'好朋友。”穿着鲜艳的黄色裙子,一头波浪长发的芭比娃娃眨着黑黝黝的大眼睛对我说。我疑惑地问:“你们是我的玩具吗?”憨头憨脑的泥娃娃抢着说:“对呀,对呀,小主人,我们每天都陪着你,我们大家可羡慕你了。”“羡慕我?为什么呀?”我不解地问。胖乎乎的小海豚不紧不慢地说:“因为你有一个超级爱你的妈妈。每天早上,妈妈早早就把饭给你做好,你一起床,就有热腾腾的饭菜;晚上,等你都睡觉了,妈妈又在给你洗衣服,让你每天干干净净的。”小蓝公主笑眯眯地走过来说:“妈妈每天都给你讲故事,听着你们哈哈大笑的声音,我们也感到可开心了。”腼腆的小兔子悄悄地说:“如果你生病了,妈妈可着急了,一晚上也睡不踏实,一会儿摸摸你,一会儿看看你,喂你喝水吃药,真是很辛苦的。”小熊淘气地说:“你有时犯了错误,妈妈严厉地批评你,她虽然很伤心,但是她希望把你培养成一个聪明、善良的孩子。”

  "Welcome to the toy world, little master. We are all your good friends." Wearing a bright yellow dress, a long wavy haired Barbie blinked big black eyes to me. I asked doubtfully, "are you my toys?" Silly mud doll said: "yes, yes, little master, we are with you every day. We all envy you." "Envy me? Why? " I asked, puzzled. The chubby little dolphin said, "because you have a mother who loves you so much. Every morning, my mother will make the meal for you early. When you are in bed, there will be hot meals. In the evening, when you are asleep, my mother will wash your clothes again to make you clean every day. " Little blue princess smiled and said, "mom tells you stories every day. We are happy to hear your laughter." The shy little rabbit said quietly, "if you are ill, mom is in a hurry. She can't sleep all night. It's really hard to touch you, see you and feed you water and medicine." "You make mistakes sometimes," said little bear naughtily. "My mother criticizes you severely. Although she is very sad, she hopes to train you into a smart and kind-hearted child."


上海油压工作室  "You are so happy!" "Your mother loves you so much!" "I also want to have a mother like this..." Everyone was talking. I said happily, "I know, I know!"


  "It's time to eat, Duoduo." I opened my eyes and heard my mother calling me softly. "Mom, I love you!" I can't wait to fall into my mother's arms and hug her tightly.

我的生日英语作文 篇3

  My Birthday Party

  It’s July23. Today I am16 years old. I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to come. They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with them.

上海油压工作室  My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and drink. At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to music. I think we will have a good time.

  我的生日聚会 是July23。今天我已经16岁了。我将在家里举行一个聚会,我正在等待我所有的朋友都来。他们会带来什么?有很多漂亮的礼物。 我的父母正在准备许多好吃的.东西和饮料。在晚会上,我们要去玩游戏,唱歌,跳舞,听音乐。我想我们会玩得很开心的。

我的生日英语作文 篇4

上海油压工作室  There are many things in life that can be memorable. The moment is touched, not only in that moment, but the unbroken love and missing.

上海油压工作室  One day many years ago, I was awakened by an unknown voice and wondered: what would be such a noisy thing in the morning? I quickly put on my clothes and rushed out. One to the downstairs, I was greeted by a few strangers who were blowing up a multicolored balloon, while others were decorating the living room, while others were helping their mothers make cakes. I was surprised and delighted, and immediately snuggled up to her mother and asked, "who is going to celebrate my birthday?" My mother took my hand and walked to the front of the calendar to see what day it was. Oh, it was my birthday, and I forgot! My mother smiled at me and reminded me to call up earlier. Well, I had my address book in one hand and the other on the phone, and all the students who got the phone said yes, I was so happy.

  In the evening, good friends come one after another, we play games, we chat together, we eat cake together, so happy! After eating the cake, I opened one of the gifts in the eyes of all the people and thanked everyone for their blessings. Finally, the last gift was removed, and I looked right and left, and decided to leave it until tomorrow, because it was sent by the most important person in my heart, and I wanted to face it alone and not wish to be disturbed.

上海油压工作室  Standing at the door, I went back to the room alone, remembering the little things between him and me. Unconsciously, I went to sleep... When I was young, he always accompanied me to watch TV. TV is in winter, often is floating snow, the children always happy there a snowman, snowball fights, but we may it snows in winter in Taiwan in addition to the high mountain, impossible to happen, so I envy them! He saw the dream in my heart and hoped that someday I could help me realize it!

  Suddenly, I woke up and ran downstairs to open the last present. Inside is: a snow crystal ball! Grandpa did not forget, even though his old people have been born, before dying still think of me, do not forget to tell everyone to help my dream! At this moment, my tears are like the broken faucet, constantly pouring out...

  So far, I have picked up the snow crystal ball from time to time to play, so that I like to shake it, and look inside, because there is my yearning for grandpa. And the flakes falling in the crystal ball are the love of my grandpa. For me, whether it will snow or not, the world of snow crystal ball is always snowflake flying, grandpa will live in my heart forever!

我的生日英语作文 篇5

  This year I received a gift from my uncle who was working in the field. It was a lovely pug dog.

  It has a pair of big eyes, two ears like a big spoon, it in front of the chest have a pink bow with decorative pattern, pink nose like a triangle, very cute! Looking at it, I gave it a good baby. Every day when I go to school, I say goodbye to it, and I quickly run upstairs to see it after school. When I sleep at night, I hold it and enter into the sweet dreamland, its white fur brings me a lot of warmth. Whenever I am happy, I will be happy with it, whenever I have difficulty, I will talk to it, it always squinting its small mouth to listen to me silently.

上海油压工作室  I heard that my uncle couldn't return home for the Spring Festival, and I cried a lot in my arms. I wish my uncle would be able to go home.

  Lovely baby is my good companion!










