

时间:2023-01-21 08:04:17 英语作文 我要投稿
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Dear leaders and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  My name is xxx and I come from xxx. I am cheerful, honest and easy to get along with others; Usually like playing basketball, climbing and running.

上海油压工作室  I am very happy and honored to join the "xxx" family. It not only brings me a good platform for growth, exercise and self display, but also gives me the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, brothers and sisters—— I would like to take this opportunity to thank all leaders for giving me such a good opportunity.

  As a newcomer, I still have many aspects of knowledge to understand from you. I hope you can give me more advice in your future work! I firmly believe that through our mutual understanding and understanding, we will not only become comrades in arms who advance hand in hand in our career, but also become brothers and sisters who share the same interests and share weal and woe in life.

  Finally, I would like to work with you for our common cause!

上海油压工作室  Thank you!


Dear teachers and students

  Good afternoon, everyone!

  I am a programmer from xxx Department. My name is xxx, the king of three horizontal and one vertical, the celebration of universal celebration.

上海油压工作室  People often say that living with good people is like entering the room of Zhilan! Although I have great admiration for the name of the teacher, I still don't want to see xxx here. Here, I appreciate the charm of language and feel the shock of lip and tooth collision!

  As the saying goes: it's better to say well than to do well. It's better to say well than to do well. No matter what path you choose in the future, good eloquence will accompany you all your life and help you realize your ideal. Therefore, the power of speech should not be underestimated! Finally, I wish you to practice your eloquence, have the talent to embroider your mouth, and cut through thorns and thorns and ride the wind and waves on the road of life!

  Thank you!









