

时间:2020-10-06 18:25:53 作文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室   秋天不像春天那样百花争艳,芳香怡人,也不像夏天那样有那么多的小生灵在歌唱。为此小编为大家精心推荐一些描写秋天的.英语范文的优秀例文,希望对大家有帮助。



  Rustling autumn wind, blow away the heat in the summer, also blew the leaf's dream.Autumn, perhaps is the messenger of autumn leaves, tell people cannot avoid the decline of year with the autumn wind, and so people sad autumn, afraid of falling leaves.Wandering adrift, see season reincarnation, deciduous snow, often regrets in exile, the feeling of loneliness arises spontaneously.

  From green to yellow, from skyline to return to the earth, and the fallen leaves in the memory.

  By a grain of small buds grow into a strong shiny leaf, against the wind, to meet the rain, to meet the sun and bugs as tenacious struggle.After efforts to grow up, together with the other leaves offered shelter to the pedestrian, become the pride of the trees.The call of the autumn wind leaves were, this season's mission has been completed, the end of life.For winter trees can safely, for trees can saving more energy, the leaves are going to accept the invitation, falling dust.So they leave the branches, like a butterfly dancing merrily, across the road in the autumn sky in a beautiful arc.

上海油压工作室   Through dream down, to the lonely, moves towards magnificently, listen to the whispers of the earth.

上海油压工作室   The beauty of autumn is rational, it is not as charming as the spring, summer so hot, winter so implicitly.When the autumn wind blowing people's cheek by doping around the perfume to distribute among them, people will take a deep breath, absorb the light seems to want to put the essence of all time.

上海油压工作室   Autumn is a poem, it said softly with a series of touching story.Autumn is a great artist, it draw the can't use money for painting.Autumn is very beautiful, beauty lies in the clear.Lines criss-cross brook singing, dancing, hanging out.Autumn is very beautiful, beauty lies in the scenery.Pieces of different colors, shapes, and varied the leaves falling down from the branches, gently pat with the earth mother that delicate skin.

  No not heartless, maternal gentleness more protect flower.Is that so, deciduous.

  Fall is inevitable, is the necessity of life.However, this is the cycle of life cycle, the spring of next year, we will see a new life to deduce the same beautiful scenery in the branches.

  Is the most beautiful scenery in autumn leaves, I fall in love in the autumn.


  Summer girl who had just left, beautiful autumn girl side in the autumn mist cooling shirt, wearing veils shanshan.

  Autumn is the most lovely.In crisp fall day, clear blue skies during the day, night bright galaxy, it's have to like it.

上海油压工作室   The earth changed into the autumn autumn girl.Look!The trees of the river and put on a colorful clothes, and along with the breeze quietly interest-free sala under a leaf, is like a butterfly, and spread gold everywhere.Red maple trees, clusters, looked so cute, so provoking love, full of vitality.In the field, with lots of spikes as gold inlaid pearls, a gust of wind blowing, layers of undulating waves.Cotton du's mouth opened, was easily the autumn wind blowing the bitter fleabane bitter fleabane, far looks like the stars in the sky, sleep.magic blinked to you.The orchard, the apple LeGong in the face, grapes with a purple windbreaker, pears put on yellow coat.Pomegranate smile couldn't help open the mouth, showing each teeth of agate.Red persimmon as YiZhanZhan small lanterns hanging branches.The park, chrysanthemum opened!Emitting a burst refreshing fragrance.Graceful chrysanthemum, dew is dressed up with them and make them more touching mingyan - look!Yellow like gold, green jade, white like snow, red as the sunrise.With a gesture, a flower more than a beauty, let a person see dazzling, but can't...When dusk scattered leaf with the smell of fragrance and weeds, aftertaste making a person is boundless.Autumn, worthy of the name is a fairy tale world!

  Into the autumn, the sun more red jiao, better air, sweeter.The roadside, sunflower, waving to me, the autumn wind across my face.The gentle autumn rain pouring his heart like a girl.I didn't escape, but the rain let free to jump on me carnival...Look up, the sky cbsi cbsi, like freshly washed sapphire clean.From time to time there are a few birds hovering in the air...

  Picked up a fallen leaf, watches, gingerly clip it into the book.This leaves, seems to have no special place, but full of the breath of autumn...Fall like a young, vigorous upward.

  Autumn is a beautiful picture, is all kinds of landscape rendering beautiful charming.

  In autumn, such as the hope of the future, golden harvest will encourage us keep moving forward!Forward!


  Trees are removed the green velvet coat, tracing the wild goose to fly to the south, hurry to ask why this is, oh, the original fall.

  Into the BaoYuan gate, the first thing you encounter is a lotus pond.The calm water, quiet like a mirror.Water lotus posture is differ, some \"open mouth\" in ha ha laugh, laugh \"teeth\" are exposed;Some see people, seemed very shy, with its petals always cover the \"face\";There are water lilies on the surface of the curved, as if is still in bed.A gust of wind blew the leaves in the sweet wind, a beautiful dance.Water minnows hiding under the lotus leaf, like hide and seek with us, we wish it can swim and play with us.The sculpture is a shell in the sink.Dove some stood in the shell top, seem to have a dream that one day can fly to the universe;Some doves surrounds the shells, as if thinking: what is this ah, I don't how to peck.Still have the cock of the body, as if is with relish to eat the food.Lotus pond is surrounded by rows of tall camphor tree, they, like one brave soldiers guarded the lotus pond.

  Along the lotus pond on the left side of the stairs, we came to the bed.See flower bed side eyeful is green, oh, it was a large grass, but the grass a little yellow, nonetheless, but sleep on it, that was a comfortable.The meeting was in colourful flower bed, shower, distance is really like a little flame.String is beautiful, the bees also drew, you see, they are happily there honey?Around the flower bed is the evergreen cedar, if in cedar buy some snow on the branches, that the beautiful ah.

  Walk across the grass, we came to the boulevard, hits the trees like a sentinel, standing at the crossroads to welcome us.The leaves of trees turn yellow, a breeze blowing, the golden phoenix tree Ye Feiwu, like the beautiful butterflies, slowly float to the ground.In front of my nose at that moment, a burst of fragrance, originally on the greening of osmanthus opened, and also I took a bunch of sweet osmanthus, see gold in osmanthus flowers yellow, to the eye.

  Autumn girl walking quietly, put the coated with a layer of gold, I can't help but praise: \"fall.\"










