

时间:2022-04-10 12:02:37 英语作文 我要投稿
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上海油压工作室  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编精心整理的英语作文8篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


英语作文 篇1

上海油压工作室  which lesson do you like most? i think different person has different answer. as for me the answer is definit history. i like history since i am very little when my grandma told me the stories of the great historic person such as chairman mao, yuefei, simaguang.

  some people maybe think that history is boring and hard because it has so much persons and accidents to remember. but i am very interested in it. all the people and accidents are just like the heroes in the stories that grandma told me. and reading history is just like making friend with them. is it hard to remmenber your friend?

上海油压工作室  some people think that history is the past and it is useless to daily life. i dont think so. looking into past may help us to understand future better. history is a good teacher for us to let us know which is right and which is wrong and help us to live a happy life.

  we all can benefit from history and i like it.

英语作文 篇2

上海油压工作室  Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the GREgorian calendar.

  so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.

  Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.I love the Spring Festival very much and it's our tradition festival。I'm very enjoy it.

英语作文 篇3


  Student Use of Computer

  Students tend to use computers more and more frequently nowadays. Reading this chart, we can find that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased sharply. In 1990, it was less than 2 hours; and in 1995, it increased to almost 4 hours, and in 20xx, the number soared to 20 hours.

  Obviously computers are becoming increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this change. First, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life. Also, the fast development of the Internet enlarges our demands for using computers. We can easily contact with friends in remote places through the Internet. Besides, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enables more students to purchase them.

上海油压工作室  However, there still exist some problems, such as poor quality, out-of-date designs and so on. And how to balance the time between using computers and studying is also a serious problem. Anyhow, we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly.


  Film Is Giving Way to TV

  It can be seen from the graph that the rate of car accidents in Walton City experienced rises and falls in 1990. From January to March last year it increased by 45%. From March to June it dropped by about half the previous rate. From June to August there was a steep rise of 50%. After that, however, there was a steady decrease.

上海油压工作室  There are several reasons for this improvement, but the following are the most critical ones. First, new traffic regulations have made drivers more careful. Second, more people are using bicycles for transportation. Finally, in the later part of the year good weather made the roads safer to drive on.

  I am confident that there will be even fewer car accidents in Walton in the future. First, major roads have been repaired and the number of public buses has been increased in the past few months. Moreover, a traffic safety campaign has made all the local people more aware of the dangers of unsafe driving.

英语作文 篇4

上海油压工作室  The young generation has been labeled as the lost generation; young college graduates are unemployed, upset about debt and unable to find a promising career. It is not for everyone, but an increasing number of graduates have been forced into this situation, at the same time, they face new challenges.


上海油压工作室  First, the rising debt, lack of income and high house prices give the young generation great pressure, most of them can’t afford these, and have to live with their parents. Living with their parents makes the young generation loses certain freedom, like they have to go home at night and can’t have fun with friends. What’s more, the children are easy to depend on their parents; they don’t take responsibility of themselves. In the long run, it is not good for them.

上海油压工作室  第一,不断增加的债务,没有收入和高额的房价给年轻一代带来了很大的压力,大部分人都还不起这些,不得不和父母一起住。和父母住在一起让年轻一代失去了一定的自由,比如他们晚上要回家,不能和朋友玩。而且,孩子很容易依赖父母,他们不对自己负责。长此下去,对他们来说是不好的。

  Second, for those who remain unemployed for a significant period, remaining motivated can be the most important problem. Without jobs, people will feel depressed, they are easy to over think, and then give themselves much pressure, at last, they will lose hope of the word and be no longer motivated.


上海油压工作室  It is not easy to find the job, young generation must be positive, they need to be independent and motivated to face the new challenges.

上海油压工作室  找到工作不容易,年轻一代必须要乐观,他们需要变得独立和积极,来应对新的挑战。

英语作文 篇5

  My English teacher is nice. She has long hair. She likes singing and music. She likes to play sports in the afternoon. She loves our classmates very much. She looks like our sister.

  She is good . She gets up at 6:50. She goes to work early. She has funny english class. In the afternoon, we play together.

上海油压工作室  She loves us,we love her. We lover each other!

上海油压工作室  我的英语老师很友善,她有着长长的头发,她喜欢唱歌和音乐,下午她喜欢运动。她很爱我们班的'同学,她看起来像我们的姐姐。

上海油压工作室  她很好 ,6:50起床,早早就去上班,她有有趣的英语课。下午,大家一起玩。

上海油压工作室  她爱我们,我们也爱她,我们互相关爱。

英语作文 篇6

上海油压工作室  I think the rational people can tell the different between fake and real specialists. If you see the specialist on the TV to sell medicine in an extremely high price, don’t trust them. If they offer you practical advices, then you will know they are real.


英语作文 篇7

  Dear Lucy,

上海油压工作室  How are you doing?Recently,our class plan to visit the nursing home this Sunday in order to help the old there and enrich our afterschool life.As the vice monitor,I would like to invite you to come with us.

上海油压工作室  Here are some details about this activity.To begin with,we will leave the school by bus at 8:00 AM and return at 5:00 PM.Besides,there will be a lot of activities such as making Chinese dumplings and giving performances,which will be not only meaningful but also interesting.

  Hopefully,you would like the plan and join us.l have the confidence that we will have a great time there.Thanks for reading my letter.Looking forward to your reply.


  Li Hua




上海油压工作室  以下是关于此次活动的一些细节。 首先,我们早上八点乘公共汽车离开学校,下午五点返回。另外,找们还有很多不仅有意义而且有趣的`活动,例如包饺子和表演节目。

  希望您能喜欢这个计划,并且加入我们。 我有信心我们会在那儿度过愉快的一天。 谢谢你读这封信。



英语作文 篇8


  A. 有人认为X 是好事,赞成X,为什么?

上海油压工作室  B. 有人认为X 是坏事,反对X,为什么?

上海油压工作室  C. 我的看法。

  Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out thefact that 支持X 的第一个原因。They also argue that 支持X 的另一个原因。However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider itharmful to do X. They firmly point out that 反对X 的第一个理由。 Anexample can give the details of this argument: There is some truth in botharguments. But I think the advantages of X overweigh the disadvantages. Inaddition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, X alsomay X 的有一个坏处。

上海油压工作室  2、批驳观点式


上海油压工作室  B.我不同意。Manypeople argue that 错误观点。By saying that, they mean 对这个观点的进一步解释。An example they have presented is that 一个例子。

  (According to a surveyperformed by X on a group of Y, almost 80% of them 赞成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响)。 There might be some element oftruth in these people’s belief. But if we consider it in depth, we will feel noreservation to conclude that 与错误观点相反的观点。There are a number of reasons behind my belief. (以下参照辩论文的议论文写法)。3、社会问题(现象)式



上海油压工作室  C.对社会和我们生活的影响



  Nowadays, there exists an increasingly

  serioussocial/economic/environmental problem. (X has increasingly become a commonconcern of the public). According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情况。(或者是一个例子)。 There are a couple of reasonsbooming this

上海油压工作室  problem/phenomenon.下面参照辩论式议论文写法。 X has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life,which has been articulated in the

上海油压工作室  following aspects. 参照辩论式议论文的写法。 A dozen of measures aresupposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm. 同上Based on the above discussions, Ican easily forecast that more and more people will……










A letter英语作文10-26

the letter英语作文10-28