

时间:2022-03-31 08:35:19 英语作文 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  在生活、工作和学习中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编收集整理的母爱英语作文,欢迎大家分享。


上海油压工作室  从小,我就觉得妈妈不爱我。幼时哭闹,她从不理我,常说:“没人理就安静了。”稍长时,她又老是差遣我做这做那——那些洗碗、做饭、买菜累人的活儿。她也从不让我享有年幼的特权,即使有好吃的也难得多分我一份。于是我常常羡慕别人的孩子有妈妈特殊的关爱,不像我。但自从经历了那次黄山之旅,我的看法改变了。

  Since I was a child, I thought my mother didn't love me. When she was a child crying, she never paid attention to me. She often said, "if no one pays attention, it will be quiet." For a long time, she always sent me to do this and that - the tiring work of washing dishes, cooking and buying vegetables. She never let me enjoy the privilege of being young, even if there is delicious food, it's hard for me to share more. So I often envy that other people's children have special care from their mothers, unlike me. But since that trip to Huangshan, my view has changed.

上海油压工作室  妈妈身子弱,每逢出门旅游,都反由从小跌摸滚打惯的我照顾。那年到了黄山脚下,恰逢百年难遇的特大洪水,山上的许多护栏因此冲断,但为了不白走一趟,我们还是决定上山。

  My mother is weak. Every time I travel, I take care of her. That year, at the foot of Huangshan Mountain, there was a great flood once in a hundred years. Many guardrails on the mountain were broken, but in order not to go for nothing, we decided to go up the mountain.


  The scenery of Huangshan is so beautiful that even the storm does not make it inferior. I am addicted to the fairyland of green mountains and cypresses, and often forget my mother. There is a mountain road between Banshan temple and the hotel. It is very steep and few people know it. There is a stream beside the road. Due to the continuous rainstorm, the murmuring water turns into a small waterfall, which moistens the moss and weeds beside the mountain road. It has the charm of Zhu Ziqing's green. On the other side of the road, there are thousands of high cliffs, which can't be seen from the bottom. Looking down, they are all a few peaks submerged in the sea of clouds.


上海油压工作室  It can be said that I love wandering on the mountain road between heaven and hell. At dusk the next day, just after the rain stopped, I sneaked to my path to enjoy the scenery. My mother never cares about me very much. I often feel that I am just an accessory of my mother, but a small role of carrying bags on the way. She doesn't care where I go. The climate in the mountains is always unpredictable, especially in this "one hundred year hard" day, when the wind is sunny and the wind and rain suddenly make a big difference. Misty fog flows through my body, gentle wind whispers in my ear, I seem to break away from my body and integrate into this endless nature "One, two, three..."

上海油压工作室  我数着远方嶙峋的怪石,却不觉那耳边温柔的低诉渐渐变为暴躁的狂吼,待我发觉,我已害怕得全身发抖,我蓦地趴在石阶上,一动也不敢动,生命此时如此渺小,仿佛任何一阵狂风都可以将我带下那边的“地狱”。天渐渐黑下来,风毫不留情地往我脖子里钻,雨狠狠地打在我蜷缩着的冰凉的身上,我紧紧地抠住石阶,仿佛我所抓住的是我的生命。黑鸦鸦的云从四面向我压来,眼前不断晃动那深不可测的悬崖下面惨死的鬼魅。这样阴险的天气,一定不会有人冒着生命危险来寻我的,我这回死定了!我绝望极了,泪水不自觉地在眼眶里打转。这段时间,比我度过的任何时刻都长。

  I counted the craggy rocks in the distance, but I didn't realize that the gentle whisper in my ear gradually turned into a furious roar. When I found out that I was shaking with fear, I suddenly fell on the stone steps and didn't dare to move. At this time, my life was so small, as if any gust of wind could lead me to hell there. It was getting dark, the wind was relentlessly drilling into my neck, and the rain hit me hard on the cold body, as if I was holding on to my life. The black crow's cloud came down on me from all sides, shaking the ghosts under the unfathomable cliff. In such a dangerous weather, no one will come to me at the risk of his life. I will die this time! I was so desperate that tears rolled in my eyes unconsciously. This period of time is longer than any time I have spent.

上海油压工作室  忽然,我蒙眬的眼中出现了一个晃动的身影,娇小,孱弱,伏着身,艰难地往上挪着。耳边依稀有熟悉的声音,透过嘈杂的雨声,奋力地嘶喊:“洄洄,别怕,妈妈来了!妈妈来了!”多么亲切的呼唤,我的泪再也忍不住涌了出来,“妈!小心点!”我竭尽全力喊着,从我懂事到那一刻前,我从未喊得如此真心……不知过了多久,妈妈够着了我,把我紧紧抱住,我感觉那时我并不是一个她口口声声说的大人,而只不过是十六年前刚刚出生的婴儿。妈妈的.体温从湿冷的衣服中透了过来,并不冷了,我贪婪地嗅着妈妈身上的气味,那淡淡熟悉的气味竟赶走了死亡、恐惧的阴晦。抱住我的不只是母亲,还有一种比千年黄山更雄浑,且充溢于大地亘古不变的力量……雨点打在我的脸上,是热的,那是妈妈的泪……

  Suddenly, a shaking figure appeared in Mengxuan's eyes. It was petite, weak, crouching and moving up difficultly. There was a familiar voice in my ear. Through the noisy rain, I cried out: "migratory, don't be afraid, mom is here! Here comes mother! " How kind of call, my tears can no longer help gushing out, "Mom! Be careful! " I cried with all my strength. I never cried so sincerely from the time I was sensible to that moment I don't know how long ago, my mother reached me and held me tightly. I felt that I was not an adult she said, but just a baby 16 years ago. My mother's temperature came through the wet and cold clothes, but it was not cold. I greedily smelled the smell of my mother. The faint and familiar smell drove away the gloom of death and fear. It's not only my mother who holds me, but also a more powerful force than the thousand year old Huangshan Mountain, which is filled with the eternal power of the earth Rain hit my face, it was hot, it was my mother's tears


  I don't know how long, the wind stopped and the rain stopped. I snuggled up in my mother's arms and looked at her pale face. Years engraved her vicissitudes here. Time whitened her strands of green silk, exhausted to cover the light in her past bright eyes. I heard her heart beating deep in her chest. At this moment, it dawned on me that life is precious, but there is another thing in the world that is greater and more precious than life - maternal love. The wheel of history can crush all tangible things, but not the mother's care for children. I am touched by my mother's courage, tears, and everything she has done to make me strong, hardworking and responsible. It's not that my mother is bad, it's that she loves me in a way deeper than any other mother.


上海油压工作室  When I came back from Huangshan, I wrote in my diary: the love of my mother will be the touch of my whole life










