

时间:2022-02-06 09:42:34 英语作文 我要投稿




我的妈妈英语作文 篇1

上海油压工作室  My mother is very fat, she has a pair of big eyes. She is not as tall as my aunt. She likes to surf the Internet and read novels. She also wastes water and electricity. My mother is very concerned about my study and body and the elderly. Whenever I encounter difficulties and grievances, will comfort and encourage me.


上海油压工作室  Although I will beat me when I am angry, I know that my mother beat me to get rid of my bad habits, but I still don't like my mother beating me. I want a patient and gentle mother.


我的妈妈英语作文 篇2

上海油压工作室  我和妈妈坐在饭桌前,吃着早饭。新的一天就这样开始了。

  My mother and I were sitting at the table, having breakfast. This is how the new day begins.


上海油压工作室  My mother didn't care what I wanted to eat first, but when I was about to finish eating, she saw that I hadn't peeled the eggs to eat, so she began to "chant sutras". "Tang Yijia, we must eat eggs. They are nutritious. Eating them is good for our health..." He said a lot of sentences and words related to eggs.

上海油压工作室  可我还是没有动手拿鸡蛋,妈妈却按耐不住了,拿起一个鸡蛋开始飞速的剥起来。速度真快啊,似乎一瞬间就剥完了,妈妈一边把鸡蛋递给我一边说:“快点儿,不然一会就凉了,这样吃下去会生病的。”

  But I still didn't start to take the egg, but my mother couldn't stand it. She picked up an egg and began to peel it quickly. It's so fast. It seems that I finished peeling in a moment. My mother handed me the eggs and said, "hurry up, or it will be cold in a while. You will get sick if you eat it."

上海油压工作室  一个白白的、胖胖的没有一点坑坑洼洼的鸡蛋就递到了我的手里,还是热乎乎的,我只能一口咬下,快速的嚼完直到吞下去。因为这样就不会闻到那股难闻的味道了。想着如果每天都要吃鸡蛋,“哎”真是惨啊!我不由得深深的叹了一口气,不过好在吃多了就不会觉得难吃了。

  A white, fat egg without any potholes was handed to my hand. It was still hot. I could only chew it off one bite and finish it quickly until I swallowed it. Because it won't smell that bad smell. Thinking that if you eat eggs every day, "ah" is really miserable! I can't help sighing deeply, but the good thing is that if I eat too much, I won't feel bad.

上海油压工作室  这就是我的有点唠叨但是有时却又很可爱的妈妈。她希望我是一个健康快乐的孩子,所以会让我去吃有营养的东西。还有一次我不想吃鸡蛋,拖到最后,时间实在是来不及了,才没让我把鸡蛋吃完,但是去的那一路上,我就像孙悟空听到唐僧念经一样难受,因为那一路上啊我都是在妈妈的.警告下度过的。

上海油压工作室  This is my mother who is a little nagging but sometimes very lovely. She wants me to be a healthy and happy child, so she will let me eat nutritious food. There was another time when I didn't want to eat eggs. I was too late to finish my eggs. But on the way, I felt as bad as monkey king heard monk Tang chanting sutras, because I spent all the way under my mother's warning.

上海油压工作室  这就是我有点唠叨却又很可爱的妈妈。

  This is my mother who is a little nagging but very lovely.

我的妈妈英语作文 篇3

上海油压工作室  My mother is a nurse. She loves her job and devotes herself to it. Last month she went to Beijing to fight agai t SARS. My mother didnt go back home until more than one month later. But I mi ed her very much. I knew she tried her best to protect us from SARS. I love my mother and I feel proud of her.


  How lovely my mother is! My mother is a nurse. In those dangerous days last month, she went to Beijing to fight agai t SARS. She tried her best to protect us from SARS. She had worked there for more than one month. I love my mother and feel proud of her.











