

时间:2021-10-12 09:40:16 英语作文 我要投稿




夏天英语作文 篇1

  The spring girl walked in the light of the pace, the summer girl rushed to the rush.

  July, August, hot days with the crazy like to see, blue sky blue and far-reaching, the fireball-like sun like the cloud baked, the road spit dry bamboo tongue, listless, willow like a sick Like a dejected, small fish can only be in the stone sewn channeling to channeling, and even the dragonfly had no choice but in the lotus leaves cool, it may also be afraid of the sun put its wings roast it! The farmer's uncle's dog spit out his long tongue, and the chicken will not stay up in the water!

  When it rains, it will be cool and comfortable. Look, the willow is big mouth to drink rain, dragonflies happy to fly in the rain, the fish are also swim in the water to swim it.

  But there are special benefits in summer. That is, girls can wear beautiful skirts, beautiful sandals in the water to fight water, picking up stones, laughing and joking, happy.

夏天英语作文 篇2

上海油压工作室  I live in the south city, so when the summer comes, the sun is very strong and the air is so stuffy, I feel so uncomfortable. I have a friend from Guilin, she tells me that summer in Guilin is not that hot, the air is cool in the morning.

  So I decide to spend a month in Guilin. Guilin’s mountain and water are special, the water is clean and the mountain has many shapes.

  It is really comfortable here, the air is so fresh. The most obvious feature of people here is that their skin is white. Because the summer is short here and the sun is not that strong, so people have a good summer time.


夏天英语作文 篇3

上海油压工作室  Summer morning, the sun slowly exposed his head, the earth are red.

  The sun is getting higher and higher, the grass on the "pearl" quietly slip away; dog hot can not stand, put the tongue spit out; little ducks do not go swimming in the river, Of the constant call: "Twist! Twist! Squeak!" As if to say: "really hot ah!

上海油压工作室  At noon, the sun shone bright light, like the earth baked like. The leaves rolled up, like a shy little girl; only the sun flower flowers in full bloom. Fish hiding in the grass can not appear in the grass, the streets are increasingly scarce, only a few cars back and forth to Mercedes-Benz.

上海油压工作室  Summer, really hot beauty!

上海油压工作室  夏天的早晨,太阳慢慢地露出了头,把大地都映红了。




夏天英语作文 篇4

  I like to spring vibrant, I like fruit of their labor to fall, I also like the land of ice and snow in winter, but my favorite was vigorously summer. He came to earth with a warm center of the earth, to show a scene of prosperity.

上海油压工作室  You vigorous walking, walking down the street, people are buying clothes and shoes, booming, bustling, festive extraordinary to see the girls walking on the street, their clothes are fashionable, bright colors, almost no re-sample I think summer is the girls of the world, is to show the beauty of the season.

  You vigorous walking, into the garden, garden flower disappointing fight Yan open, whether it is the Queen of peony flowers, small flowers or no name, are happily greet summer girl, willow by winds, fluttering shook, like summer girl that flowing hair, how beautiful ah! This is a unique scenery summer because summer is beautiful.

上海油压工作室  You vigorous walking, walking in the market, cries, bargaining sound, together into one, very lively, look purple eggplant, Pie Zhaozui, which is red you smile! That sparkling grape purple, glistening apricot, peach red bite tastes, crisp raw, sour, summer fruit described as paradise.

  You vigorous walking, into the fields, sunflowers are facing the open summer girl, put her beautiful smiling face dedicated to summer girl. Four underground struggle. Cicada not miss this great opportunity also for five years, stripped of her clothes that one gold, into the tree, "cicada, cicada" to call, to show it was beautiful summer girl singing, frog hiding grass, quack barking, positive girl summer a summer ensemble hymn it!

  Xia, a lively summer; summer, a beautiful summer; I praise you, a charming summer.


上海油压工作室  你轰轰烈烈地走来,走在大街上,人们正在买鞋买衣服,红红火火,热热闹闹,喜气非凡,看大街上行走的姑娘们,她们身上的衣服款式新颖,颜色鲜艳,几乎没有重样的,我想夏天是姑娘们的天下,是展现美的季节。

上海油压工作室  你轰轰烈烈地走来,走进花园里,花园里的花争气斗艳的开放,无论是花皇后的牡丹,还是没有名字的小野花,都高高兴兴地迎接夏姑娘,柳树经风一吹,飘飘摇摇,就像夏姑娘那飘逸的长发,多么美丽啊!这是夏天独有的景色,因为夏天是美丽的。

上海油压工作室  你轰轰烈烈地走来,走在市场里,吆喝声,讨价还价声,连成一片,热闹极了,看那紫色的茄子,撇着嘴,正冲你微笑哪!那紫盈盈的葡萄,黄澄澄的杏,红色的桃咬一口,甜丝丝,脆生生,酸溜溜的,夏天真可谓水果的乐园。



夏天英语作文 篇5

  My favorite summer came, and with him came the summer heat.

上海油压工作室  Summer is a hot season. The sun would like to release all its energy to illuminate the earth, and people would do it without regard to the hot weather. Some people think that spring is the most beautiful, everything comes back to life, flowers and flowers are beautiful. I don't think so. I think spring is the rebirth of everything and the summer is the bloom. If you compare the seasons to the growth of a person, summer is the most glorious time.

上海油压工作室  There are many lotus flowers in summer pond, pink and white. The colorful lotus flowers stand on the green lotus leaf. Under the lotus, there are still a few small fish swimming, and suddenly disappear is to hide behind the lotus to rest.

  I think summer is the most beautiful season of the year. What do you think?

上海油压工作室  我最喜欢的夏天到了,伴随他一起来临的是热浪滚滚的夏天。

上海油压工作室  夏季是一个火辣的季节。太阳恨不得释放自己全部的能量来照射大地,人们不顾炎热的天气,都干得热火朝天。有人认为春天是最美的,万物复苏,百花争妍斗艳。我却不这么认为,我认为春天是万物复苏而夏天才是百花怒放。如果把一年四季比作一个人的成长经历,那么夏天就是一个人最光辉灿烂的时候。

上海油压工作室  夏天的池塘里有许多荷花,有粉色的,有白色的等。五颜六色的荷花立在碧绿的荷叶上真是美极了。荷花下还不时有几只小鱼游过,忽然又不见了原来是躲在荷花下休息呢。

上海油压工作室  我认为夏天是一年四季中最美丽的季节,你们觉得呢?

夏天英语作文 篇6

上海油压工作室  The flower-scented spring girl is going to have a rest. The hot summer is coming to our side.

上海油压工作室  In summer, summer mountain is like green, green wave layer. This is a good season to grow, if everybody came to the countryside, you will see many farmers uncle have braved the heat went to the fields, planting vegetables, fruits and flowers...

上海油压工作室  The sun was like the fireball of an old boss, and the light shone on the man, and the dog stopped barking, and his often large tongue hid in the room for the cold. A line of white smoke comes out of the road where the hot sun is burning, and the foot steps down. The sun is too vicious to deal with us!

上海油压工作室  When summer girl sadly, at once, the sunny weather has become a gray, the sky clouded over, only heard a loud noise, "flew off..." Suddenly there was a great storm, and the girl didn't know what was wrong and cried so badly.

上海油压工作室  The rain stopped and the flowers and grass looked more delicate and bright. This summer rain, moistening the whole earth, washed the earth a comfortable bath.

  In summer, it is sultry, but it is full of energy and warmth!

夏天英语作文 篇7

  Summer noon burning sun like a big fireball.

  The leaves of the willow played the curl, as if to say, "I am so thirsty, I am so thirsty, I will drink water." The pond is placed in the tail of the fish, while swimming to the surface, open mouth breathing air, as if In the summer there is a child is holding a fish in the fish feeding fish eat a drop of water, a large group of small fish to fight to eat. There is a swimming pool beside the pond, where three children are swimming

上海油压工作室  Suddenly the sun turned down, the black whirring of the clouds quickly drifted over, very low very low. The children are hiding in the house. The wind came and flashed. In an instant, the rain got up. After a while the rain stopped, willow shook the body of the rain beads, willow re-opened, and become more green. The sky hangs a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple beautiful.

  Summer really beautiful ah!


  柳树的叶子打起了卷儿,好像在说:“我真渴,我真渴,我要喝水。”池塘里的小鱼摆着尾巴,一会儿游到水面上,张开嘴巴呼吸空气,好像在说:“夏天真热啊﹗夏天真热啊﹗” 池塘旁有一个小朋友正拿着鱼食在喂鱼呢. 鱼食一掉下水,一大群小鱼就争着吃。池塘旁有一个游泳池,游泳池里有三个小朋友正在学游泳



夏天英语作文 篇8

  It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I don't usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart's content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but I'm free, I'm happy, I'm really living! Oh, how I love summer!


上海油压工作室  夏天真的很热,很热。但恶人的夏季太阳是什么给我,因为我通常不出门。我最喜欢做的事是在漫长的`暑假呆在自己的小房间里读。我喜欢阅读,但在学校,我很难找到一个免费阅读的时刻。无尽的任务时我就像一座山。我觉得只和监禁。一旦暑假来临,然而,我有世界上所有的时间去阅读。我读我想读的东西。我读我的心的内容。也许我的房间很小,而且可能是太阳热,但我自由,我快乐,我真的生活!哦,我爱夏天!

夏天英语作文 篇9


上海油压工作室  Today, my father took me to see the lotus.


上海油压工作室  The lotus in the pond is really in all shapes! There are all open, petals are all unfolded, even the lotus in the middle is exposed; there are flowers in bud, they compete for splendor, beautiful! There are white, pink, light yellow......

上海油压工作室  一望无尽的荷叶挨挨挤挤的,有的高、有的低像一个个碧绿碧绿的大圆盘。这幅景像让我不由想起了:“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”这两句诗。

  At one glance, the endless lotus leaves are squeezed, some high and some low like big green disks. This picture reminds me of two poems: "the lotus leaves are boundless in the sky, and the lotus flowers are different in the sun".


  The lotus of Baiquan is so beautiful!









