

时间:2021-05-06 12:30:58 求职信 我要投稿




英文专业求职信 篇1

  While studying at the school I was a member of the class publicity, creative and organized a "Premier Zhou footprints along the way forward" the signature of the 1000 activities of students, school teachers and students have been widely acclaimed.

  I am well aware that as an economic category of students, the exchange of essential practice. Thus, in 98 years I joined the "soft science enthusiasts Jilin Engineering Association" in the Department of Market Research. As an assistant, I participated in the preparation of the visit and summed up with the "Evergreen Daily" cooperation "consumer survey of university students" and "computer at the university campus," the research project, through the real data, correcting some of the people of the community college students is incorrect views caused great repercussions.

上海油压工作室  I firmly believe that to adapt to the needs of society as a complex human resources, into the community is essential to draw nutrients. 99 years in August to October, I am in the "Xiamen Overseas Chinese Electronics Co., Ltd." in office has done a three-month long promotional Miss, the initial feeling of intense business competition, but also to understand the micro-see giant enterprises in China the status quo. In July the same year to 11-month period, I have a part-time "modern" market consulting company investigators, to "market research" has done a comprehensive, professional, deep understanding. These experiences for me into the community, involved in the operation of business and laid a good foundation.

  I have perseverance character, love and respect their jobs, be able to endure hardship, to be bold, the work can独挡一面, but also solidarity and cooperation.

  My life philosophy is: "there is nothing." I believe you chose me, it chose the pursuit of success. I would like to use their professional knowledge and wisdom for the development of your company to make modest!

英文专业求职信 篇2



上海油压工作室  入校以来,我坚持刻苦学习,通过四年的积累,拥有了作为一名跨世纪师范大学生应该掌握的理论基础知识和专业知识。在担任班级干部期间,注重锻炼自己的组织领导和协调合作的能力,积极热情地开展工作,在同学中享有一定的威望。

上海油压工作室  同时,我也利用课余时间加强对自己实践能力的培养,积极参加各种社团活动,全方位充实自己。四年中,我一直在ELIC工作,通过和他们的语言交流,拓宽了自己的文化视野,提高了自己的英语运用能力。我在东北师大附中实习期间,落落大方的教态,明晰清楚的讲解,认真负责的`态度获得了指导老师和学生们的一致好评。

上海油压工作室  天行健,君子当自强不息。我深信我会一步一个脚印走得更好!但我也明白自己的平凡,知道自己在各方面还需要进一步提高。或许在贵校的求职者中我并不是最优秀的,但我相信自己的综合实力,更相信您的慧眼。

上海油压工作室  大学之道,止于至善。恳切盼望您详考、慎虑,使我与贵校共同发展,求至善、创辉煌!

上海油压工作室  我的过去正是为贵校的发展准备、积蓄;


英文专业求职信 篇3

Dear Mr. Bates:

  Palm Beach County, according to reliable publications, is one of the fastest-growing counties in the United States. I applaud the tremendous work you are doing at the Palm Beach visitors and convention bureau to attract major events, further improving the economic climate of our thriving area. Your achievements, showcased as the cover story in the latest convention venture, international, are impressive, and I for one would like to be a contributing sales member of your professional team.

  I understand from the article that you are looking to become the number one convention center in Florida, and I feel my sales skills and abilities can help tip the scales from Orlando to palm beach! I offer you:

上海油压工作室  9 years of proven experience in convention/event sales

  A verifiable track record for closing major national events

  Strong market analysis and strategic planning skills

  A personable, team-spirited professional with a strong network (national) in place

上海油压工作室  I will be in West Palm Beach next month. If possible, I would like to visit and personal-le meet with you to introduce myself and my qualifications I will take the liberty of calling you next week to arrange such a meeting

  Thank you for your time and consideration I look forward to speaking and meeting with you soon


  Steve dudes










