

时间:2023-03-19 15:13:41 英语演讲 我要投稿



  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I’d like to share my teaching dream with you. But before that, i want to say something about the beginning of this dream. In march this year, three teachers from australia came to our school. during the meeting, we exchanged a lot about education. I found that though we have almost the same teaching philosophy, we have different routines. what impressed me most was that their schools end at 3:00 in the afternoon and have no night classes. Ican’t tell which kind of routine is better, but the sharp contrast made me think about a better education.The following is a dreamy school in my mind, in which there is no pressure but pleasure.


上海油压工作室  in this school, the buildings are well designed, close to nature. In the morning, children can read while enjoying the beautiful sunrise. In the evening, they can exercise by the lake reflecting the amazing sunset. In the spring, they can go to the wild, lie on the lawn, and watch the kite flying in the blue sky. In the summer, they can go to the forest, live in a cabin, and listen to the rhythm of the rain. …

  students are free but polite and they respect each other. They can leave at 4:00 every afternoon, or perhaps earlier. They have the freedom to organize time. They can go to the library, go to the lab, the computer rooms or the playground. They’re self-motivated and have a strong thirst for knowledge. And there are no frequent exams and rankings. Students won’t be forced to wear uniforms everyday, and there is no required hair style. Everyday is so colorful that they are looking forward to the next day when going to bed at night,


上海油压工作室  Young!Fortunately, I am young now. Just due to it, I know that nothing is impossible.I firmly believe that nothing can stand in my way. If I can't realize my dream,it result from that I haven't work harder enough and I won't find other excuses. If no people believe you, you can make it to prove that you are right. If you think the god haven't blessed you and there is no truth here, you can become the god and create the truth.

上海油压工作室  “My breath swallows the sky and make the yellow river overflow, my sword is famous in Kyushu and it can collapse the five sacred mountains.” At some time in the past I also had am bitious words and I had some achievements. Each achievement results from my hard work. I always believe that “If you want to have more achievements than others, you must work harder.” In some extent, the dream is the hope. If you can insist on doing something, the victory will come.

  Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken'winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today. Let's" move"out!

  Thank you for your listening!


上海油压工作室  They are unable to meet their needs, even the basic needs of survival! Everyone, as a member of humanity, shouldn't feel ashamed? Our luxury deprived their lives, our indifference violated our soul, and our barbarity destroyed human civilization!

  What's the ideal society? It's a society no one worries about their living, a society no one is refused from education, a society everyone can pursue his/her own happiness! The ideal society is filled with love, joy and kindness. In that society, we can touch the other's hearts, we can share our dreams and most important, we can just be the true men!

  Let's break the ethnic divide, bridge the gap between rich and poor, hand in hand, to build a Great wall, protecting us from evil; to construct a steady bridge, connecting reality to the ideal society! Let's pursue for that, that's the only way to the bright future! They are watching us! Thank you!

  Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease, says the World Health Organisation.

上海油压工作室  According to their figures, it is responsible for approximately five million deaths worldwide every year.

  Tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases, and even the WHO says that its impact on world health is not fully assessed.

  Heart attack and stroke.

  UK studies show that smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non'smokers.


上海油压工作室  英语素质教育的教学中,优化课堂教学模式是重点,也是实施素质教育主渠道。然而,要实现优化课堂教学,这就要求我们教师应做到优化教学目标的制定,优化课堂教学的设计,优化教学方法的组合等,通过优化课堂教学模式,以达到实施素质教育的目的。课前演讲就是其中一例。课前演讲是现阶段高中英语课堂教学中被普遍采用的一种课前热身活动,是集中学生注意力,激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生听说能力,发挥学生主观能动性,使其积极参与课堂活动的.重要途径。也是当前以教师为主导,学生为主体的新型教育教学理念在常规课堂教学当中的有力体现。




上海油压工作室  中学阶段的学生一般处于青春发育期,生理发育同时,心理也在不断变化与发展。笔者发现在平时的课堂教学过程中,大多数高中学生已经抛弃了初中生的鲁莽和冒失,他们在思想上存在过多的顾虑,高傲和自卑并存,不喜欢踊跃回答老师提出的问题,而是选择保持沉默,用眼神和动作来回应老师,这无疑会对学


上海油压工作室  Feeling of youth

上海油压工作室  No young man believes he shall ever die. it was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. There is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything. To be young is to be as one of the immortal gods. One half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its countletreasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. We make the coming age our own-

  The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.

上海油压工作室  Death. old age. Are words without a meaning. That paby us like the idea air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them-we "bear a charmed life“, which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward-

  Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

  And see no end to the landscape, new objects presenting themselves as we advance; so, in the commencement of life, we set no bounds to our inclinations. Nor to the unrestricted opportunities of gratifying them. We have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag; and it seems that we can go on so forever. We look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseleprogress; and feel in ourselves all the vigor and spirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into the grave. it is the simplicity, and as it were abstractedneof our feelings in youth, that (so to speak) identifies us with nature, and (our experience being slight and our passions strong) deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it. Our short-lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves, is an indissoluble and lasting union-a honeymoon that knows neither coldness, jar, nor separation. As infants smile and sleep, we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies, and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more-objects prearound us, filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them, so that we have no room for the thoughts of death.


上海油压工作室  Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen:

  I'd like to start with a group of pictures.

  “Modern and advanced”This society forgets, and ignores the other two thirds of human beings. It's far from the ideal! We call ideal as a utopian, a place where reality does not exist. A few people still look forward to the ideals. We make fun of them, considering they are naive. Will we still be content to live in such a society, if misfortune drops to us? No! Of cause not!

  When we feel the warmth of the sun, these people, endure great sorrows and pains. Can we imagine that? They are our brother and sisters!

  Facing them, will we still complain about our own misfortune?

上海油压工作室  Facing them, will we still have the mood shouting for our own freedom? Facing them, will we still want to have more and more unnecessary stuff?


  Every teacher in this school can give a course as they like. There is no tedious rating, no scraps of quantitative management and no rigid standard. Teachers can fully display their personality in class, and they feel very happy and content to teach. Every morning, on thoughts of giving lessons, they are excited. After class, they are delighted , with smiles on their faces.Some experts, scholars and masters are also visiting teachers in this school.Yang zhenning can give physics classes for a day. Yi zhongtian opens lectures on chinese culture for a week. Speaking of music, we can ask wang lihong to give music lectures, just as he did in oxford university. If necessary, we can also invite david beckham to speak something about the world cup …

上海油压工作室  the principal of the school focuses on education rather than waste time in endless meetings and social activities. Teachers’ wages are not high but enough to live comfortably. There are no other things to do except to teach. There are no paper requirements, no titles and no ranks because they don’t need to be judged by those things. Almost every teacher is a well-known scholar and master in a particular field. A language teacher may be a writer at the same time. A math teacher may try to overcome a world-class guess. A physics teacher can win invention awards and a music teacher may return from an international music competition again.

  In short, in this school, the principal is satisfied, the teachers are happy and the students are joyful. That’s my dream.







英语课前演讲 01-25



