

时间:2022-06-25 09:25:39 英语演讲 我要投稿
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上海油压工作室  在生活、工作和学习中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编收集整理的小学生国旗下讲话演讲稿英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


上海油压工作室  五千年的文明光辉灿烂着华夏,四大发明的美誉灿烂着中华。炎黄子孙都为我们中华民族而骄傲、自豪。

上海油压工作室  Five thousand years of civilization is shining in China, and the reputation of the four great inventions is shining in China. Chinese people are proud of our Chinese nation.

上海油压工作室  我们自豪,因为中国历史悠久、文化灿烂。中华民族五千年光辉历史,沉淀了东西方文明古国的精髓,显露出人类科学事业的曙光,在世界文明史上具有经久不衰的魅力。四大发明改变整个人类的面貌,《诗经》开创了世界文学史上现实主义的先河,屈原的浪漫主义诗风带给人类非凡的想象力,先秦两汉的散文,唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清小说,孔孟学说还有《孙子兵法》等等,无不展示出中华民族先民的丰富情感与智慧。

上海油压工作室  We are proud of China's long history and splendid culture. Five thousand years of glorious history of the Chinese nation has precipitated the essence of the ancient civilizations of the East and the west, revealed the dawn of human science, and has an enduring charm in the history of world civilization. The four great inventions changed the face of the whole human being. The book of songs initiated the realism in the history of world literature. Qu Yuan's romantic style of poetry brought extraordinary imagination to human beings. The proses of the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, Ming and Qing novels, Confucius and Mencius theory, Sun Zi's art of war and so on all showed the rich emotion and wisdom of the ancestors of the Chinese nation.

上海油压工作室  我们自豪,因为中国地大物博。大自然千万年的雕塑,构成了一幅绚丽多彩的画卷,奔腾的黄河哺育着世世代代的炎黄子孙,滔滔的长江年年岁岁奔涌着智慧的巨浪,昂首屹立于世界之巅的珠穆朗玛峰,就是中华民族坚韧不屈的品格的象征,还有许多数不清的江河湖泊、名山、大川、人文景观等,这不都是中华民族的骄傲和自豪吗?

上海油压工作室  We are proud of China's vast territory. Thousands of years of sculptures of nature form a colorful picture. The surging Yellow River nurtures generations of Chinese people. The surging Yangtze River surges with great waves of wisdom year by year. Mount Everest stands on the top of the world with its head held high. It is a symbol of the tenacious and unyielding character of the Chinese nation, as well as numerous rivers, lakes, famous mountains, rivers and cultural landscapes Isn't it all the pride and pride of the Chinese nation?


  However, history will not be sunny every day, China has had brilliant, also had a catastrophe. But it also created the great indomitable character of the Chinese nation, which we are proud of, and forged a strong backbone of China. In the 50 years since the founding of new China, countless miracles have been born in this magical land. With the rapid economic development, science and technology have made great achievements. Two bombs and one star go up to the sky one after another. Each bridge looks like a rainbow crossing both sides of the Yangtze River. The Three Gorges project, the Qinghai Tibet railway, the return of Hong Kong and Macao, China's accession to the WTO, and the success of the experiment of new hybrid rice varieties have filled the gaps in the field of agricultural science and technology research in the world, all of which have embodied China's strong vitality and cohesion, and fully demonstrated its great and brilliant achievements. Shouldn't we be proud of these achievements? Decades of hard work, decades of search, our motherland has stood in the east of the world, stand on its own in the world's national forest!


  Our youth are the most energetic, just like the sun at eight or nine in the morning, which is the hope of the Chinese nation. The world is ours, the 21st century is ours! Let's work hard for knowledge, concentrate on learning culture, master skills, and work together to create a more brilliant future for our Chinese nation!









