

时间:2021-11-16 09:59:31 自荐信 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  在当今中国社会,自荐信在我们生活中的使用并不鲜见,自荐信可以展示出自己的才干和优势。到底应如何写自荐信呢?以下是小编精心整理的英文的自荐信6篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。


英文的自荐信 篇1

  dear leaders:


  thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read my cover letter.

  i am a graduate in XX, soon xxxxxxxxxx college students, the profession is the computer.

  four years in college, i learned a wealth of expertise and exercise their capabilities. through four years of studying, i know the c language, assembly language, compiler theory, powerbuilder, database theory, and object-oriented c + + and vc + +, etc. have a certain understanding of windows programming. i also studied the delphi extra-curricular programming, asp dynamic web pages and network databases. learn the computer must have excellent foreign language skills, i am a better continuity of results by the national english test, is now able to read and translate computer data. also worth mentioning is the use of spare time i passed the microsoft's mcse (microsoft certified system engineer).

  into the school since, i have full range of spare time to participate in social practice. has worked in two internet companies have done part-time jobs such as network management and technicians. accumulated a wealth of practical experience, especially in network management and maintenance.

上海油压工作室  if fortunate enough to join, i can focus on your company's local area network design implementation and maintenance, wan or lan switching and routing design implementation and maintenance work.

  finally, thanks again for your patience in reading my cover letter.



  kai xxxx

英文的自荐信 篇2

  april 13,XXp.o. box 36biit university

  beijing,china 100000

  dear sir/madam: please consider me for your sales management program. my background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential. attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. if this holds true, i am sure to be as successful in sales management as i am in my college endeavors. my unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives. because of my "can do" attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. i guarantee you‘ll be providing your corporation with an outstanding sales management . thank you for your attention.

上海油压工作室  sincerely,

  deng yun

英文的自荐信 篇3

  reiterate your strength but don’t repeat your cv.

  your cover letter should include information on what position you are applying for, why you think you are the right candidate, and how your skills and strengths match the criteria listed in the job posting. remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.

上海油压工作室  get personal but never be too personal.

  cover letter is an effective networking tool for the employer to learn more about you, including your business-related personality, strength and passion for the job. however, disclosing too much personal information in cover letter is a taboo. it would make you look unprofessional, and may distract the employer from making an objective judgment on you.

  make it easy to read.

  a hiring manager won’t have too much time to read a lengthy cover letter, so make your key points in striking and orderly ways. use bullets to break up the text could be a good choice when explaining your strengths and skills that match the position one by one. avoid using large blocks of text, ornate or gaudy fonts, emoticons, inappropriate e-mail addresses and expired contact ways, so as to make your cove letter easy to read and understand.

  customize your cover letter.

  it is easier to start with a cover letter template to make sure all the key points are included, but do remember to customize your cover letter to show your uniqueness, otherwise there is no need to write such a thing. if you have a contact person for your letter, be sure to include their name in your letter.

  do research in advance.

上海油压工作室  before you write, find out as much as you can about the company and the hiring manager, and then you can start your cover letter with“dear mr green/ms flower”to address it to the individual responsible for hiring. check the recruitment rules of the company to make sure you send the cover letter in right format (attachment or text).

  explain your employment gap.

  some job applicants may have recent gaps, such as being laid-off and unemployed for half a year, or being a full-time mother for three years. cover letter gives you an opportunity to explain an employment gap in a sincere and honest way.

上海油压工作室  be polite.

  your cover letter is your first and best chance to make a good impression, so be polite. don’t forget the salutation opening and complimentary close parts. you may conclude your cover letter by“thank you for your consideration”,“looking forward to hearing from you”and“respectfully/sincerely/courteously yours”.

  check errors.

  finally, take one more minute to check spelling mistakes or logical flaws of your cv and cover letter before you send them out. good luck!

英文的自荐信 篇4

Dear School Leadership:

  Hello!Thank you for your busy schedule to read my letter.Liaoning Institute of Technology I am a 20xx English language and culture tend to professional students,will graduate in July this year.House as a result of the teachers who is from an early age I was a good family education,but also for the cause of teachers has always been filled with great enthusiasm,eager to look forward to your leadership,for this glorious and great cause plus licking bricks watts,and continuous learning in practice and progress.

  Honesty,integrity,diligence and pragmatism is the principle of my many years of school life,I formed a good style and advanced ideas,concepts,and have a unique way of thinking,harmonious interpersonal relationships.University life and to further strengthen the cultural knowledge of my self-cultivation,and create a good psychological quality,and effectively I have a down-to-earth style of life and the principle of self-regulate.

  Prerequisite of its browser.Mentorship in the strict lessons and personal efforts,I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge,to master a number of skills.In each semester of the exam have achieved excellent results and one-time in September 20xx through the four English professional examinations,and achieved good results,can ease the use of computer software,familiar with WORD,EXCEL and other office software.Participate actively in the schools,the activities of the Organization Department of the School Games a success on many occasions.

上海油压工作室  At the same time,I am very focused on all aspects of their quality,ability to train and actively participate in various social activities,seize the opportunity to exercise their own.Weekdays,I tutor after school hours engaged in work,so far the whole three years,as it has in the travel guides,and has been widely praised,leave alone to do during the course of English.Therefore,a large number of professors have a certain degree of social experience and practical ability.Also, because of language,literature and love of learning in Japanese is also a slight contribution.

上海油压工作室  Near that your school just a few years from a number of provinces,municipalities prescribed in the school come to the fore,is no accident,but by virtue of the leadership and vision Gaucho staff have a strong cohesive force,which is training young people and give full play to the time,a good place.xx who is also the bounden duty of imparting knowledge and educating people.I am filled with enthusiasm to find their own ideal position,with high morale will work hard in pursuit of my career.

上海油压工作室  Sincerely,


英文的自荐信 篇5

  dear personnel officers:

  i am xiaojunfeng, a junior in sichuan teacher university. i major in english and minor in japanese. i am writing to inquire the position you offered in the advertisement. here are my qualifications that prompt me to make application now.

上海油压工作室  as an english major, i have obtained skillful english writing ability and rich experience in dealing with the work requires knowledge about english background.

上海油压工作室  my interest in computer also has prompted me to forward my resume for your review. at present, i am working for the web site of shop.renren.com and in charge of the bbs program.

  i am confident that i will make a successful addition to your program.

  i am available if you dial the number: 130xxxx9794.

英文的自荐信 篇6

Dear Sirs:

上海油压工作室  Just read the daily newapers, you understand that the recruitment exercise instructors, I am confident that the conditions set out in line with the job.

上海油压工作室  I am a South Dakota State University Department of Physical Education graduate courses in addition to the formal orts education, but also to take a variety of psychology and management courses for children. In previous years during the summer vacation, I have a number of suburbs near the university where volunteers served as a playground instructor. Summer 983, he served as assistant, in charge of South Dakota, the youth movement Walton. In addition, the United States is also reonsible for the development of large尔伦City, a ecial summer program for children. In-service period,威廉詹森is my superior, he agreed to prove my work.

上海油压工作室  In addition, I have an experience, from 985 until now, I am South Dakota,洛克福特City, the city park as a recreational instructor. The main task of the Department reonsible for the development of urban parks and recreational programs, including a variety of entertainment and orts, including.

  If you think I am suitable for the working conditions, benefits as early as possible to know the interview thanks letter.

  Kai xxx










