
通知书 英文

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通知书 英文


通知书 英文

  China Quality Certification Center

  Notice of Selected Sample Delivery

上海油压工作室  CQC/QPJC03.06(1/0)




  Notice to Produce Evidence


上海油压工作室  According to the Civil Procedural Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Evidences for Civil Actions, the matters of producing evidences will notify as following:


  1 You are responsible for producing evidences to prove the facts on which your claims are based or the facts on which the claims of the other party are rebutted. You shall undertake the adverse consequence, if you failed to submit evidence materials or submitted evidences is failure to the fact which you provide to the court.

上海油压工作室  二、向人民法院提供证据,应当提供原件或者原物,或经人民法院核对无异的复制件或复制品。并应对提交的证据材料逐一分类编号,对证据材料的来源、证明对象和内容作简要说明,依照对方当事人人数提出副本。

上海油压工作室  II Evidences submitted by the parties to the people’s court shall be the

  originals, or copies or replicas checked and found in conformity with the originals by the people’s court. The submitted evidence materials shall be classified and numbered one by one. It is required to briefly describe the sources, facts to be proved and contents of the evidence materials. Copies shall be provided according to the number of the parties of the opposing side.


上海油压工作室  III Where you intend to apply for authentication, increase or variation of the claims or file a counterclaim, you shall do the same prior to the expiration of the evidence producing term.


上海油压工作室  IV Where you apply for appearance of a witness to testify,you shall file an application with this Court ten (10) days before expiration of the evidence producing term. Provided that the summary procedure is followed in this case, the time for applying witness to testify is not limited by 10 days.

上海油压工作室  五、申请证据保全,应当在举证期限届满的七日前提出,本院可根据情况要求你方提供相应的担保。如本案适用简易程序审理,申请证据保全的时间可以不受七日的限制。

上海油压工作室  V Where you intend to apply for preservation of evidence, you shall file

  an application with this Court seven (7) days before expiration of the evidence producing term. This court may require you to provide corresponding preservation as the circumstances may require. Provided that the summary procedure is followed in this case, the time for preservation of evidence is not limited by 10 days.

上海油压工作室  六、你方收到本通知后,可以与对方当事人协商确定举证期限后,向本院申请认可。你方与对方当事人未能协商一致,或者未申请本院认可,或本院不予认可的,你方应当于年月日前向本院提交证据。若举证期限不足15日,则自收到通知之日起第15日为举证期限届满之曰。逾期不提交证据的,视为放弃举证权利。逾期提交的证据材料,本院审理时不组织质证,裁判时不予采纳。

上海油压工作室  VI Upon receipt of the notice, you may negotiate with the other party to determine the time limit for producing evidence and apply for approval of this court. Provided that you and your other party fail to reach an agreement, or the agreement is unapproved or refused by this court, you shall submit the evidence materials to this court before th day after receiving the notice shall be as the expiration day of the evidence producing term. Your failure to submit evidence materials within the evidence producing term shall be deemed as waiver of the right to produce evidences. For the evidence materials not submitted on time, the

  people’s court won’t arrange cross examination during trial, and the judge won’t accept it.


  VII Where it is really difficult for you to submit evidence materials within the evidence producing term, you may apply with this Court for extension according to provisions in Article 36 of Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Evidences for Civil Actions of the Supreme People's Court.


  VIII Where the evidence materials submitted by you at the expiration of the evidence producing term fail to meet “new evidence” provisions in Article 41, paragraph 2 of Article 43, and Article 44 of Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Evidences for Civil Actions of the Supreme People's Court, you shall be deemed as waiver of the right to produce evidences, unless the other party agrees to cross examination.


上海油压工作室  本院调查收集证据。

上海油压工作室  IX Where one of the conditions in Article 17 of Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Evidences for Civil Actions of the Supreme People's Court is met, you may apply with this Court for investing and collecting evidence in written form seven (7) days before expiration of the evidence producing term.

上海油压工作室  附:根据最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第三十四条的规定,你方应提交以下证据:

  Attachment: according to regulations in Article 34 of Several Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Evidences for Civil Actions of the Supreme People's Court, you shall submit the following evidence materials:

  1、 2、



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上海油压工作室  —、标题

上海油压工作室  通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。口头通知常用Announcement,书面通知多用Notice 或NOTICE。



上海油压工作室  三、呼语

  口头通知往往要有呼语,如Boys and girls,Ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends,Comrades等。


上海油压工作室  通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。口头通知开始往往要用上“Attention,please,或“May I have your attention,please?”或“Be quiet,please”,其后可以加上I have an

上海油压工作室  announcement to make,结束时可加上“That’s all”,“Thank you!”之类的客套话。对举行活动的口头或书面通知,常用“sth will/is going to be held+地点+时间”或“There will/is going to be+sth+地点+时间”结构。结束语前常用“Please attend it on time”,“Do be present on time”或“Everyone is/All are welcome/expected、to attend it”,“Don’t be late”之类的句子。

上海油压工作室  五、落款


上海油压工作室  This is to announce that the university will organize a “Teach in the West” program. This program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. The volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the subjects are Chinese, English, Math, Physics and Chemistry. The specific locations of the middle schools are upon further notice.

  Each year, many students from other universities volunteer themselves to work in the

  poverty-stricken areas of the west to try to improve the education level there. We should also take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas. The children need us. Let us hold out our helping hands to them and do whatever we can to help them.

  Your participation will be very much welcomed. Anyone who is willing to apply for the program can contact either the Student Affair Office of the university or the Student Union office at working hours. For further information, please call 87653634 or 87653636.

  The Student Union

上海油压工作室  June 20, 2007


  员工录用通知书(offer letter)

  Dear Mr xx


  We are pleased to inform you that we’ve decided to employ you as one member of our team.we here extend to you our warm welcome to join us and hope you could be upon arrival at x/x/2008 (M /D) to register for our company, and to fill in a copy of employee’s Register format. You are requested to provide the following documents to company on the registration date:


  Quitjob certificate with your former employer’s seal;


  Transfer paper of pension or certificate of pension payment;

上海油压工作室  3)身份证原件及复印件四张

上海油压工作室  A card of Identification Card;


  Certificate of diploma or title;

上海油压工作室  5)4张身份证照片(1寸蓝底)

上海油压工作室  Photo(one inch)


  Physical examination report

上海油压工作室  预祝您在新的工作岗位上愉快、进步!

上海油压工作室  Wish you happiness and progress in our company !

  Salary: RMB1000.- (Gross)/month in probation

  Position: xxxx

  (公司全称/company) Department of HR 2008年x月x日


上海油压工作室  英语通知的格式

上海油压工作室  假如你是校学生会主席,请你以校学生会的名义写一份书面通知。 notice

  boys and girls,

上海油压工作室  our school will have a meeting on the playground at 3:00 p. m. on june 18th. the meeting is about being (keeping)away from net bars and refusing unhealthy publications. we'll visit a picture show about healthy knowledge after the meeting. please get there on time with your chairs. that' s all.

上海油压工作室  thank you.

上海油压工作室  the students' union



上海油压工作室  attention, please. i have an announcement to make. we are going to visit the history museum this saturday. we are going to meet at the school gate at eight in the morning. please bring a notebook with you and make some notes. we will have a discussion about it in the class meeting next monday. please come on time. that's all.





  our class will go to the red star farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. we' ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. we' 1! have lunch on the farm. you' d better put on your old clothes. please get to school on time tomorrow morning.

  the headmaster's office


  这是关于明天去农场劳动的书面通知,所以大部分句子用一般将来时。这份通知从行文上看,通知的三大部分一应俱全。如标题部分是notice;正丈部分中的活动内容是“go to the red sta,farm,help the farmers to pick the apples”;参加的方式和要求是“meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning,go to the farm by bus,have lunch on the farm,put on your old clothes”等;参加这项活动的对象是“our class”,该活动的时间是“march 12th”;发通知的单位名称是“the headmaster's office”;通知的时间是“march 11th”。



上海油压工作室  一、通知的形式

上海油压工作室  通知有多种分类。从形式上可分为书面通知(written notice)和口头通知(an nouncement)。书面通知强调语句简练,用词贴切,用语书面化;而口头通知比较灵活简练,用词表达可随便些,较为口语化。


上海油压工作室  通知一般由标题、正文和结尾三部分组成。标题部分包括常用标题语和发出通知的单位名称;正文包括事情、通知对象、要求、时间(有时还包括地点)等;结尾部分主要包括发通知的具体日期。英文通知的格式一般是将


上海油压工作室  三、通知的书写

  1.发出通知的单位和对象在一般情况下用第三人称,如要求同学们按时到会,不说“we must to?”或“you should?”,而应写成:all the students are requested to be there on time.


  在句式上,常以“boys and girls/ladies and gentlemen”等作为称呼语。开头常用句式是“may i have your attention,please?/attention,please./i've got some- thing important to say./i'm very glad to

上海油压工作室  tell you that.../please be quiet,everyone! i have something to say./i have some good news for you!/there will be a talk tomor row./the sports meeting will be held.../it has been decided that we'll pay a visit to?”,在通知结尾处常用句式“please be there on time”并以“that's all. thank you”作为客套结束语。


  4.在句式写法上必须注意以下几点:①尽可能用精炼的文字表达明确的信息,多用简单句或短句、单句,以避免繁杂;②通知往往着重对活动内容、对象进行说明,多用被动语态,如“the class meeting will be held?”(班会将举行??)等等;③通知是要求下级成员该做什么或注意什么,多用祈使句;④通知中所告的事情大部分是未进行的,故多用将来时态。


上海油压工作室  1.四多一少。四多:被动语态多,将来时态多,简单句多,祈使句多。一少:修饰性词语少。

  2.通知的开头要交代清楚活动的内容、对象、时间和地点。我们称之为四 “w”。即:what,who,when,where.

上海油压工作室  3.层次清晰。一个层次表达一件事,切忌在一个句子中表达多件事情。

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