

时间:2020-12-02 12:02:16 节日手抄报 我要投稿


上海油压工作室  导语:春节一般指除夕和正月初一。但在民间,传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶,一直到正月十五。下面是小编带给大家的春节手抄报资料,欢迎参阅。




上海油压工作室  春节,是农历的岁首,春节的另一名称叫过年,是中国最盛大、最热闹、最重要的一个古老传统节日,也是中国人所独有的节日。是中华文明最集中的表现。自西汉以来,春节的习俗一直延续到今天。春节一般指除夕和正月初一。但在民间,传统意义上的春节是指从腊月初八的腊祭或腊月二十三或二十四的祭灶,一直到正月十五,其中以除夕和正月初一为高潮。如何过庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。在春节这一传统节日期间,我国的汉族和大多数少数民族都有要举行各种庆祝活动,这些活动大多以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、除旧布新、迎禧接福、祈求丰年为主要内容。活动形式丰富多彩,带有浓郁的民族特色。2006年5月20日,“春节”民俗经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。

  春节的来历有一种传说,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。“年”长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。有一年除夕,从村外来了个乞讨的老人。乡亲们一片匆忙恐慌景象,只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物,并劝他快上山躲避“年”兽,那老人捋髯笑道:“婆婆若让我在家呆一夜,我一定把‘年’兽撵走。”老婆婆仍然继续劝说,乞讨老人笑而不语。 半夜时分,“年”兽闯进村。它发现村里气氛与往年不同:村东头老婆婆家,门贴大红纸,屋内烛火通明。“年”兽浑身一抖,怪叫了一声。将近门口时,院内突然传来“砰砰啪啪”的炸响声,“年”浑身战栗,再不敢往前凑了。原来,“年”最怕红色、火光和炸响。这时,婆婆的家门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人在哈哈大笑。“年”大惊失色,狼狈逃蹿了。第二天是正月初一,避难回来的人们见村里安然无恙十分惊奇。这时,老婆婆才恍然大悟,赶忙向乡亲们述说了乞讨老人的许诺。这件事很快在周围村里传开了,人们都知道了驱赶“年”兽的方法。(客家人的传说)从此每年除夕,家家贴红对联、燃放爆竹;户户烛火通明、守更待岁。初一一大早,还要走亲串友道喜问好。这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日。


  1、腊月二十三 祭灶


  2、腊月二十四 扫尘

上海油压工作室  “腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子” ,据《吕氏春秋》记载,我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。这一习俗寄托着人们破旧立新的愿望和辞旧迎新的祈求。 每逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘,洒扫六闾庭院,掸拂尘垢蛛网,疏浚明渠暗沟。到处洋溢着欢欢喜喜搞卫生、干干净净迎新春的欢乐气氛。

  3、腊月二十五 接玉皇


  4、腊月二十七、二十八 洗浴

上海油压工作室  传统民俗中在这两天要集中地洗澡、洗衣,除去一年的晦气,准备迎接来年的新春,京城有"二十七洗疚疾,二十八洗邋遢"的谚语。腊月二十六洗浴为“洗福禄”。

  5、腊月三十除夕 贴门神、贴春联、守岁、爆竹、吃年夜饭、给压岁钱、祭祖


上海油压工作室  我国各地过年都有贴门神的风俗。最初的门神是刻桃木为人形,挂在人的旁边,后来是画成门神人像张贴于门。



  守岁,我国民间在除夕有守岁的习惯,俗名“熬年”。守岁从吃年夜饭开始,这顿年夜饭要慢慢地吃,从掌灯时分入席,有的人家一直要吃到深夜。根据宗懔《荆楚岁时记》的记载,至少在南北朝时已有吃年夜饭的习俗。 守岁的习俗,既有对如水逝去的岁月含惜别留恋之情,又有对来临的新年寄以美好希望之意。



  The custom of Spring Festival

  1. December 23

  Chinese New Year, usually starts from the kitchen. The ritual of sacrifice is a very popular and widespread custom in China. In the old days, there was a "kitchen god" in almost every kitchen.

  2. The 24th day of the twelfth lunar month

上海油压工作室  "The 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, sweep the house", according to the "lushi spring and autumn annals", the Chinese custom of sweeping the dust in The Times of yao and shun. According to the folk saying: "dust" and "Chen" homophonic, the new spring sweeping dust has "other than Chen bu new" meaning, its intention is to sweep all the poor luck, bad luck to sweep out the door. This custom is a place for people to make new and old wishes and new prayers. When the Spring Festival comes, every family should clean the environment, clean the various utensils, take apart the bedding curtain, sweep the six rump courtyard, brush the dirt and dirt, dredge the ditch. Everywhere brimming with joy and health, the atmosphere of the happy New Year.

  3. The day of the twelfth lunar month

  Prominence after think of kitchen god, then god jade emperor in the lunar December 25 to lower bound, inspections of good and evil world, and the fortunes of the coming year, so the home of the man ethnic to prayer, referred to as the "jade emperor". The day begins, the words should be careful, strive for good performance, to win the jade emperor's favour, health year.

  4. December 27, 28 bath

  In the traditional folk custom, it is necessary to shower and wash the clothes in a concentrated way for the next two days, in order to prepare for the new spring of the coming year, and the Beijing city has the proverbs of "27 guilty, twenty eight dishwashing". The 26th day of the twelfth month is a bath.

上海油压工作室  On the eve of the lunar New Year, the lunar New Year will be the year of the lunar New Year

  New Year's eve means "the end of the month", people have to divide the old and new, the old age has been removed, and the next year, the New Year, is the last night of the lunar calendar year. Therefore, the activities of this period are centered around the elimination of disaster and blessing.

上海油压工作室  Chinese New Year has the custom of post door god. The original door god was carved peach wood for human form, hanging next to man, later painted as a doorman and posted to the door.

  One source of the Spring Festival couplets is the peach. At first, people hung a figure of peach-wood on the side of the door to ward off evil. Later, it was painted like a peach tree and simplified to write the name of the door god on a peach plank.

  Paste blessing word, stick window flower, stick New Year picture, stick hang 1000. These have the custom function of blessing and decorating the residence. The New Year painting is an ancient folk art in our country. He reflects the customs and beliefs of the people and hopes for the future.

上海油压工作室  Shou-years, our country folk on New Year's eve has the habit of being punctual, the common name "endure year". At the beginning of the feast, the feast was to be eaten slowly from the lamps, and some people had been eating late into the night. According to the account of jingchu, at least in the southern and northern dynasties, there was a custom of eating New Year's eve dinner. The custom of being punctual is to have a love for the time of passing away, and to have a good hope for the coming New Year.

  Firecracker, Chinese folk have "open door firecracker" say. When the New Year comes, the first thing to do is to set off firecrackers to get the new one. The firecracker is a special product of China, also known as "explosion", "battle", "firecracker". It has a very early origin and has a history of more than two thousand years. Firecrackers can create a festive and lively atmosphere. It is a kind of entertainment activity which can bring joy and luck to people.








