

时间:2020-10-23 13:54:44 励志名言 我要投稿


上海油压工作室   你想知道有趣的励志英文名言怎么写吗?面是小编带来的有趣的英文励志名言摘抄,欢迎大家阅读欣赏。



  Greed is the real poverty, satisfy is the most real wealth。


上海油压工作室   Behind each strenuously, there will be a double reward。


  To think highly of first oneself, others will respect you。


上海油压工作室   You can have a lot of personality, but some of the time, please。

上海油压工作室   年轻是我们唯一拥有权利去编织梦想的时光。

  Young is the only thing we have right to weave a dream time。

上海油压工作室   忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。

  Bees are busy collecting, too busy to talk in front of people。


上海油压工作室   To avoid the reality person, the future will be more ideal。


上海油压工作室   A life will not always smooth and beautiful。

上海油压工作室   沉湎于希望的人和守株待兔的樵夫没有什么两样。

上海油压工作室   Indulge in hope and the woodcutter willing no different。


  The most difficult, is the day of us not far from success。



  Is strong, and doubt that will only stifle ability, and belief is power。


  Respect for persons don't too dispute, if too dispute have regret!

上海油压工作室   人的一生,可以有所作为的时机只有一次,那就是现在。

  The timing of one's life, can make a difference only once, it's now。


  Lost can also save money, once lost credibility is hard to recover。


上海油压工作室   Day no matter how high and how, stood on tiptoe is closer to the sun。


  Aspirants have thousands thousands, no minds only feeling extremely difficult。

上海油压工作室   人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

上海油压工作室   Life is important is not the station position, but towards direction。


  Strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger。


  No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate。

上海油压工作室   如果你曾歌颂黎明,那麽也请你拥抱黑夜。

  If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to hug the dark night。


上海油压工作室   The telescope can see far goal, but does not take the place of you go half step。

上海油压工作室   无论你觉得自己多么的不幸,永远有人比你更加不幸。

  No matter how much you feel unhappy, always someone more unfortunate than you。


上海油压工作室   Every successful person has a start。 Start bravely to find a successful way。


  If you're never scared, it, hurt, good means you never take any risks。

上海油压工作室   没有风浪,便没有勇敢的弄潮儿;没有荆棘,也没有不屈的开拓者。

  No wind, no brave wet; No thorns, no surrender of Portland。


上海油压工作室   The dream of the wise again beautiful, also is better than a fool pragmatic footprints。


上海油压工作室   Fate as hand palmprint, no matter how twists and turns, in our own hands。


  When you're good to others, considerate of other people, love life, and strive to life。

上海油压工作室   当一个人先从自己的内心开始奋斗,他就是个有价值的人。

上海油压工作室   When a person from his first heart begins to struggle, he is a man of value。

上海油压工作室   人生,其实一直在自己的手里,在自己的心里,在自己的生命里。

  Life, in fact has been in our hands, in his heart, in my life。

上海油压工作室   不论你在什麽时候结束,重要的是结束之後就不要悔恨。

上海油压工作室   No matter when you end, the important thing is don't regret after end。

上海油压工作室   这一秒不放弃,下一秒就有希望!坚持下去才可能成功!

  This seconds don't give up, the next second there is hope! Hold on to success!

上海油压工作室   登上了山顶,可能是伤痕累累,但看到的却是无限风光。

  On the top of the mountain, the likelihood is scarred, but see is unlimited scenery。


  Prosperity is not without fears and disasters; Adversity is not without comforts and hopes。

上海油压工作室   从来不跌倒不算光彩,每次跌倒后能再站起来,才是最大的荣耀。

  Never fall is not bright, each time to stand up again after the fall, is the greatest glory。

上海油压工作室   摒弃侥幸之念,必取百炼成钢;厚积分秒之功,始得一鸣惊人。

  Abandon the thought of fluke, he will take the battle-hardened; Who is a vehicle, a blockbuster。

上海油压工作室   痛苦留给的一切,请细加回味!苦难一经过去,苦难就变为甘美。

上海油压工作室   For all the pain, please fine aftertaste! Suffering is the past, suffering becomes sweet。



  An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding -- Robert Louis Stevenson

  Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value -- A Einstein

上海油压工作室   You have to believe in yourself That‘s the secret of success -- Charles Chaplin

  Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably

上海油压工作室   We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope -- Mattin Luther King

上海油压工作室   Energy and persistence conquer all things -- Benjamin Franklin

  Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished -- Swetchine

  The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them -- Bernara Shaw

  A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate -- Thomas Addison

  Man errs as long as he strives -- Goethe

  The failures and reverses which await men and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do -- Henry David Thoreau

  A man can fail many times, but he isn‘t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else -- J BurroughsWhen all else is lost the future still remains就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。

  Sow nothing, reap nothing春不播,秋不收。