

时间:2020-10-25 19:56:49 面试技巧 我要投稿





  Tip 1: Arm yourself with salary information.


  Before you go to the job interview, spend adequate time conducting research to find out average salaries and salary ranges for similar jobs in your area, industry and geography. Websites for salary research.


  Tip 2: Deflect the salary question if it’s asked early in the job interview.


上海油压工作室   It will do you no good to tell the hiring manager how much you currently make or a desired salary range if you haven’t at least made it to the end of the interview to see if you and the hiring manager believe you’re a good fit. Let her/him know you’d like to better understand the job responsibilities and requirements and how well you meet those needs before discussing the salary topic.


  Tip 3: Be prepared to provide a salary range.

上海油压工作室   技巧三:准备提供一个大致的薪水范围。

  This can be handled in a few different ways. You could provide the salary range you’ve researched, as in, “Based on my research, similar positions in this geography and industry are currently paying between $x and $y. Is this also the range for which you’ve budgeted for this position?” Or, you could share the salary range you desire, such as, “Based on the job requirements we discussed and my knowledge, skills and experience, I would expect the salary range of the position to be between $x and $y.”


上海油压工作室   Tip 4: Think about how much you’d like to make.

上海油压工作室   技巧四:想想你希望挣多少钱。

  This doesn’t mean sharing an exact number, because it can place you above or below the budgeted salary for the position. Instead, provide a range you’d like to make. “Because I’m changing industries, I’m not expecting to exactly match my previous salary, but, I’d like my pay to be in the range of…”


  Tip 5: Think through ways to side step the salary question.


  Remember, the goal is to get the hiring manager to tell you the budgeted salary range for the position before you share any salary information. Try to avoid giving out information by providing answers such as, “My research shows similar positions pay in the range of $x to $y. I’m sure you’ve budgeted a salary range based on competitive data for this industry. What is your budgeted range?” Or, “If I’m the candidate you’d prefer for the position, I’m sure we’ll be able to reach agreement on the salary, as I’m willing to be flexible. What is the budgeted salary range?”

上海油压工作室   请不要忘记,我们的目标是在你公开自己的薪酬信息之前让招聘经理告诉你这份职位的预算报酬。通过提供以下的.回答,尽量避免泄露信息,“我的研究显示类似职位的薪酬范围是在x美元和y美元之间。我肯定您已经根据行业内的情况拟定好了具有竞争力的薪酬预算。您的预算范围是什么?”或者,“如果我是贵公司钟意的候选人,我相信我们将在薪水方面达成一致,因为我愿意在这方面展示灵活性。贵司薪资预算范围是什么?”

  Tip 6: Discuss the salary range with the HR rep during the initial screening interview.

上海油压工作室   技巧六:在初期的筛选面试中与人事代表探讨薪资范围。

上海油压工作室   You don’t have to wait until you’ve made it to the interview round with the hiring manager. The initial telephone screen with HR is a good time to discuss the position’s pay range to make sure your expectations are within the salary parameters. This also makes the salary discussion with the hiring manager (when it comes up) a lot less stressful.

上海油压工作室   你不必要等到进入到招聘经理面试的那一轮才去讨论这个问题。人力资源的首轮电话筛选面试是谈论这个职位薪资范围的好时机,从而确保你的预期在工资参数之内。除此之外,它还可以大大减少在与招聘经理讨论有关薪资问题时所承受的压力。

上海油压工作室   As my mentee James found out, sometimes honesty isn’t always the best policy. When it comes to discussing salary during job interviews, avoid sharing with the hiring manager what you currently make. Focus instead on getting them to share the salary range they’re willing to pay. This isn’t always easy and you’ll need to be professional and respectful in your approach; however, it will help you walk away much closer to your desired salary.

上海油压工作室   正如我的学员詹姆斯指出的,有时候诚实并非总是最好的策略。当在面试期间谈到薪资的时候,避免与招聘经理讨论你当前的薪资。相反,将精力集中在让他们公开他们愿意支付的薪资范围。这并不是那么容易,你需要在你的方法中体现出专业和尊重;不过,它可以帮助你更接近你期待的薪资。









