

时间:2023-03-20 10:10:58 寓言故事 我要投稿





  A Fisher once took his bagpipes to the bank of a river,and played upon them with the hope of making the fish rise;but never a one put his nose out of the water. So he cast his net into the river and soon drew it forth filled with fish. Then he took his bagpipes again,and,as he played,the fish leapt up in the net. "Ah,you dance now when I play," said he. "Yes," said an old Fish:

上海油压工作室  "When you are in a man's power you must do as he bids you."


  Monkey and bear were good friends,today bear and monkey bear home together to pick apples,fable essay. The two of them holding hands together came to the orchard,bear and monkey climbed up the tree to pick apples,the monkey quickly climbed up the tree,but the bear climbed to climb at a time when half of the slide down. Monkey see,smiled and said: “ then you still Apple below me to pick it. ” bear see monkey laughing himself suddenly fire up,said: “ what do you mean? You just don't think I can climb it,do you? ” “ no,I mean,you can't climb up. I'll help you pick the apple. You're down here. Is that all right? "&rdquo," said the little monkey innocently. &ldquo? Don't you mean that? I can't climb up! I don't want you to help me! "&rdquo," said the bear angrily. &ldquo,no,no,I'm not rare! ” the little monkey got angry,too. Grade five essay composition of fable. The little monkey walked away without looking back. Where was the bear trying to climb the tree again and again,but he never succeeded?. The little monkey,sulking at home,went to sleep. In the evening,even a bear are not apple picking,like home. This story tells us that a good friend should not be because of a trifle and falling out,saying “ endure temporary calm,take a step as boundless as the sea and sky ” good friends should understand each other,is the.


上海油压工作室  The Frogs Asking for a King

上海油压工作室  THE FROGS,grieved at having no established Ruler,sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving their simplicity,he cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs were terrified at the splash occasioned by its fall and hid themselves in the depths of the pool. But as soon as they realized that the huge log was motionless,they swam again to the top of the water,dismissed their fears,climbed up,and began squatting on it in contempt. After some time they began to think themselves ill-treated in the appointment of so inert a Ruler,and sent a second deputation to Jupiter to pray that he would set over them another sovereign. He then gave them an Eel to govern them. When the Frogs discovered his easy good nature,they sent yet a third time to Jupiter to beg him to choose for them still another King. Jupiter,displeased with all their complaints,sent a Heron,who preyed upon the Frogs day by day till there were none left to croak upon the lake. The Cat and the King

  A CAT was looking at a King,as permitted by the proverb. "Well," said the monarch,observing her inspection of the royal person,"how do you like me?" "I can imagine a King," said the Cat,"whom I should like better." "For example?" "The King of the Mice."

  The sovereign was so pleased with the wit of the reply that he gave her permission to scratch his Prime Minister's eyes out.


  A RICH Woman having returned from abroad disembarked

  at the foot of Knee-deep Street,and was about to walk to her hotel through the mud. "Madam," said a Policeman,"I cannot permit you to do that;you would soil your shoes and stockings."

上海油压工作室  "Oh,that is of no importance,really," replied the Rich Woman,with a cheerful smile. "But,madam,it is needless;from the wharf to the hotel,as you observe,extends an unbroken line of prostrate newspaper men who crave the honour of having you walk upon them." "In that case," she said,seating herself in a doorway and unlocking her satchel,"I shall have to put on my rubber boots."









